What is the License of Handle tool from Sysinternals

Minh Pham 0 Reputation points

What is the License of Handle tool from Sysinternals?

Can I used it in our commercial products?

Advanced system utilities to manage, troubleshoot, and diagnose Windows and Linux systems and applications.
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  1. RLWA32 41,456 Reputation points

    You can find the license terms for Sysinternals software at Sysinternals Software License Terms and a related FAQ at Sysinternals Licensing FAQ. In my opinion you may not redistribute the software for use in your commercial product.

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  2. Navanath Yenpure 155 Reputation points

    Yes, you can typically use the Handle tool from Sysinternals in your commercial products. The Microsoft Sysinternals Software License Terms generally allow for both personal and commercial use of the software. However, it's important to carefully review the specific terms of the license agreement to ensure compliance with its conditions. If you have any doubts or concerns about the usage rights or conditions, it's recommended to consult legal counsel for clarification.