free exam vouchers not recived after attend the Virtual Traing day

Hemant Laxman Vitkar 0 Reputation points

I am writing to inquire about the availability of free exam vouchers following my participation in a virtual training program.

I recently attended the [Virtual Training Program Name] organized by Microsoft. I found the program to be extremely valuable and informative, and it has greatly enhanced my skills and knowledge in Microsoft technologies. As a dedicated learner and enthusiast of your products and services, I am eager to take the associated certification exam to further validate my understanding and proficiency.

During the virtual training program, it was mentioned that participants who complete the program successfully may be eligible for free exam vouchers. I would like to kindly request information on how I can obtain a free exam voucher to help cover the cost of the certification exam.

Please let me know the necessary steps and any additional information required to facilitate this request. I am excited about the opportunity to earn a Microsoft certification and contribute to the Microsoft community.

If you need any verification of my attendance in the training program or any other details, please do not hesitate to ask. I am more than willing to provide any necessary documentation to support my request.

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  1. Vahid Ghafarpour 19,630 Reputation points

    No more free vouchers for VTD.

    Microsoft Q&A platform doesn't support Azure Certifications questions at this time.

    I'd try asking for assistance in the dedicated forum:

    Microsoft Certification / Certification Profile / Transcript / Missing Exams or Certifications

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