Azure RTOS for Infineon Aurix TriCore MCUs

Egemen AKSOY 0 Reputation points


In my project, I am using Infineon MCU which has TriCore architecture. So I am wondering if is there an Azure RTOS port for Infineon TriCore. Can I use Azure RTOS in my projects that include Infineon Aurix TriCore MCUs?

Best regards.

Azure RTOS
Azure RTOS
An Azure embedded development suite including a small but powerful operating system for resource-constrained devices.
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  1. LeelaRajeshSayana-MSFT 13,871 Reputation points

    Hi @Egemen AKSOY Greetings! Welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum. Thank you for posting this question here.

    There is no existing port for Infineon Aurix TriCore MCUs. There is currently no plan for adding it, but this may very well change as we are standing up the Eclipse ThreadX project and grow the community of interested parties.

    Meanwhile, you may consider contacting any of our ThreadX community partners who may be able to assist in porting ThreadX to additional architectures:

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