Azure ARC Connected Machine

Praveen Ayyasamy 20 Reputation points

Azure arc agent not installing successfully in linux machine (ubuntu 20), Log file.txt

Azure Arc
Azure Arc
A Microsoft cloud service that enables deployment of Azure services across hybrid and multicloud environments.
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  1. AnuragSingh-MSFT 20,906 Reputation points

    Praveen Ayyasamy, Could you please elaborate - how did you check the service status?

    1. I would suggest checking the azcmagent (Azure Arc) agent status using the cmd below on the machine -

    azcmagent show

    Especially, look for the "Agent Status" property to check whether the agent is connected or not.

    1. In the portal, check if the machine is available under "Azure Arc" --> "Servers"

    In case the agent shows status as "Disconnected", follow the troubleshooting guide below to diagnose it further - Troubleshoot Azure Connected Machine agent connection issues. The following highlights some of the basic tests to be done:

    1. Check the logs in the following files and see what errors are being received:
    2. If azcmagent tool is already available on the machine (you are able to run this cmd), I would suggest trying to connect again to Azure Arc using the cmd below:
         azcmagent connect \
           --service-principal-id "{serviceprincipalAppID}" \
           --service-principal-secret "{serviceprincipalPassword}" \
           --resource-group "{ResourceGroupName}" \
           --tenant-id "{tenantID}" \
           --location "{resourceLocation}" \
           --subscription-id "{subscriptionID}"
      This should give a detailed error message, if there are issues onboarding the machine to Azure Arc.
    3. In case there are issues connecting to Azure Arc endpoints, ensure that the networking requirements are met.

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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