Tutorial: Using Service Connector to build a Django app with Postgres on Azure App Service


In this tutorial, you use Service Connector that simplifies the process of connecting a web app to a database service. This tutorial is a modification of the App Service tutorial, so you may see some similarities. Look into section Configure environment variables to connect the database to see where Service Connector comes into play and simplifies the connection process given in the App Service tutorial.

This tutorial shows how to deploy a data-driven Python Django web app to Azure App Service and connect it to an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible server database.

In this tutorial, you use the Azure CLI to complete the following tasks:

  • Set up your initial environment with Python and the Azure CLI
  • Create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible server database
  • Deploy code to Azure App Service and connect to PostgreSQL Flexible server
  • Update your code and redeploy
  • View diagnostic logs
  • Manage the web app in the Azure portal

Set up your initial environment

  1. Install Python 3.8 or higher. To check if your Python version is 3.8 or higher, run the following code in a terminal window:

    python3 --version
  2. Install the Azure CLI 2.30.0 or higher. To check if your Azure CLI version is 2.30.0 or higher, run the az --version command. If you need to upgrade, run az upgrade (requires version 2.30.0+).

  3. Sign in to Azure using the CLI with az login. This command opens a browser to gather your credentials. When the command finishes, it shows JSON output containing information about your subscriptions. Once signed in, you can run Azure commands with the Azure CLI to work with resources in your subscription.

Clone or download the sample app

Clone the sample repository:

git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/serviceconnector-webapp-postgresql-django.git

Navigate into the following folder:

cd serviceconnector-webapp-postgresql-django

Use the flexible-server branch of the sample, which contains a few necessary changes, such as how the database server URL is set and adding 'OPTIONS': {'sslmode': 'require'} to the Django database configuration as required by Azure PostgreSQL Flexible server.

git checkout flexible-server

The djangoapp sample contains the data-driven Django polls app you get by following Writing your first Django app in the Django documentation. The completed app is provided here for your convenience.

The sample is also modified to run in a production environment like App Service:

  • Production settings are in the azuresite/production.py file. Development settings are in azuresite/settings.py.
  • The app uses production settings when the WEBSITE_HOSTNAME environment variable is set. Azure App Service automatically sets this variable to the URL of the web app, such as msdocs-django.azurewebsites.net.

The production settings are specific to configuring Django to run in any production environment and aren't particular to App Service. For more information, see the Django deployment checklist. Also see Production settings for Django on Azure for details on some of the changes.

Having issues? Let us know.

Create Postgres database in Azure

  1. Enable parameters caching with the Azure CLI so you don't need to provide those parameters with every command. (Cached values are saved in the .azure folder.)

    az config param-persist on 
  2. Create a resource group (you can change the name, if desired). The resource group name is cached and automatically applied to subsequent commands.

    az group create --name ServiceConnector-tutorial-rg --location eastus
  3. Create the database server (the process takes a few minutes):

    az postgres flexible-server create --sku-name Standard_B1ms --public-access all

    If the az command isn't recognized, be sure you have the Azure CLI installed as described in Set up your initial environment.

    The az postgres flexible-server create command performs the following actions, which take a few minutes:

    • Create a default resource group if there's not a cached name already.
    • Create a PostgreSQL Flexible server:
      • By default, the command uses a generated name like server383813186. You can specify your own name with the --name parameter. The name must be unique across all of Azure.
      • The command uses the lowest-cost Standard_B1ms pricing tier. Omit the --sku-name argument to use the default Standard_D2s_v3 tier.
      • The command uses the resource group and location cached from the previous az group create command, which in this example is the resource group ServiceConnector-tutorial-rg in the eastus region.
    • Create an administrator account with a username and password. You can specify these values directly with the --admin-user and --admin-password parameters.
    • Create a database named flexibleserverdb by default. You can specify a database name with the --database-name parameter.
    • Enables complete public access, which you can control using the --public-access parameter.
  4. When the command completes, copy the command's JSON output to a file as you need values from the output later in this tutorial, specifically the host, username, and password, along with the database name.

Having issues? Let us know.

Deploy the code to Azure App Service

In this section, you create app host in App Service app, connect this app to the Postgres database, then deploy your code to that host.

Create the App Service app

  1. In the terminal, make sure you're in the djangoapp repository folder that contains the app code.

  2. Switch to the sample app's flexible-server branch. This branch contains specific configuration needed for PostgreSQL Flexible server:

    git checkout flexible-server
  3. Run the following az webapp up command to create the App Service host for the app:

    az webapp up --name <app-name> --sku B1 

    This command performs the following actions, which may take a few minutes, using resource group and location cached from the previous az group create command (the group Python-Django-PGFlex-rg in the eastus region in this example).

    • Create an App Service plan in the Basic pricing tier (B1). You can omit --sku to use default values.
    • Create the App Service app.
    • Enable default logging for the app.
    • Upload the repository using ZIP deployment with build automation enabled.

Upon successful deployment, the command generates JSON output like the following example:

Screenshot of the terminal, showing an example output for the az webapp up command.

Having issues? Refer first to the Troubleshooting guide, otherwise, let us know.

Configure environment variables to connect the database

With the code now deployed to App Service, the next step is to connect the app to the Postgres database in Azure.

The app code expects to find database information in four environment variables named AZURE_POSTGRESQL_HOST, AZURE_POSTGRESQL_NAME, AZURE_POSTGRESQL_USER, and AZURE_POSTGRESQL_PASS.

To set environment variables in App Service, create "app settings" with the following az connection create command.

az webapp connection create postgres-flexible --client-type django

The resource group, app name, db name are drawn from the cached values. You need to provide admin password of your postgres database during the execution of this command.

  • The command creates settings named "AZURE_POSTGRESQL_HOST", "AZURE_POSTGRESQL_NAME", "AZURE_POSTGRESQL_USER", "AZURE_POSTGRESQL_PASS" as expected by the app code.
  • If you forgot your admin credentials, the command would guide you to reset it.


If you see the error message "The subscription is not registered to use Microsoft.ServiceLinker", please run az provider register -n Microsoft.ServiceLinker to register the Service Connector resource provider and run the connection command again.

In your Python code, you access these settings as environment variables with statements like os.environ.get('AZURE_POSTGRESQL_HOST'). For more information, see Access environment variables.

Having issues? Refer first to the Troubleshooting guide, otherwise, let us know.

Run Django database migrations

Django database migrations ensure that the schema in the PostgreSQL on Azure database matches with your code.

  1. Run az webapp ssh to open an SSH session for the web app in the browser:

    az webapp ssh
  2. In the SSH session, run the following commands:

    # Run database migrations
    python manage.py migrate
    # Create the super user (follow prompts)
    python manage.py createsuperuser

    If you encounter any errors related to connecting to the database, check the values of the application settings created in the previous section.

  3. The createsuperuser command prompts you for superuser credentials. For the purposes of this tutorial, use the default username root, press Enter for the email address to leave it blank, and enter Pollsdb1 for the password.

  4. If you see an error that the database is locked, make sure that you ran the az webapp settings command in the previous section. Without those settings, the migrate command can't communicate with the database, resulting in the error.

Having issues? Refer first to the Troubleshooting guide, otherwise, let us know.

Create a poll question in the app

  1. Open the app website. The app should display the message "Polls app" and "No polls are available" because there are no specific polls yet in the database.

    az webapp browse

    If you see "Application Error", then it's likely that you either didn't create the required settings in the previous step "Configure environment variables to connect the database", or that these values contain errors. Run the command az webapp config appsettings list to check the settings.

    After updating the settings to correct any errors, give the app a minute to restart, then refresh the browser.

  2. Browse to the web app's admin page by appending /admin to the URL, for example, http://<app-name>.azurewebsites.net/admin. Sign in using Django superuser credentials from the previous section (root and Pollsdb1). Under Polls, select Add next to Questions and create a poll question with some choices.

  3. Return to the main website (http://<app-name>.azurewebsites.net) to confirm that the questions are now presented to the user. Answer questions however you like to generate some data in the database.

Congratulations! You're running a Python Django web app in Azure App Service for Linux, with an active Postgres database.


App Service detects a Django project by looking for a wsgi.py file in each subfolder, which manage.py startproject creates by default. When App Service finds that file, it loads the Django web app. For more information, see Configure built-in Python image.

Clean up resources

If you'd like to keep the app or continue to more tutorials, skip ahead to Next steps. Otherwise, to avoid incurring ongoing charges, delete the resource group created for this tutorial:

az group delete --name ServiceConnector-tutorial-rg --no-wait

By deleting the resource group, you also deallocate and delete all the resources contained within it. Be sure you no longer need the resources in the group before using the command.

Deleting all the resources can take some time. The --no-wait argument allows the command to return immediately.

Having issues? Let us know.

Next step