Localization: ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer class and WithCulture interface member removed

The Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer class and Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.ResourceManagerStringLocalizer.WithCulture method were removed in .NET 5.

For context, see aspnet/Announcements#346 and dotnet/aspnetcore#3324. For discussion on this change, see dotnet/aspnetcore#7756.

Version introduced


Old behavior

The ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer class and the ResourceManagerStringLocalizer.WithCulture method are obsolete in .NET Core 3.0 and later.

New behavior

The ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer class and the ResourceManagerStringLocalizer.WithCulture method have been removed in .NET 5. For an inventory of the changes made, see the pull request at dotnet/extensions#2562.

Reason for change

The ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer class and ResourceManagerStringLocalizer.WithCulture method were often sources of confusion for users of localization. The confusion was especially high when creating a custom IStringLocalizer implementation. This class and method give consumers the impression that an IStringLocalizer instance is expected to be "per-language, per-resource". In reality, the instance should only be "per-resource". At run time, the CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture property determines the language to be used.

Stop using the ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer class and the ResourceManagerStringLocalizer.WithCulture method.

Affected APIs

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.ResourceManagerWithCultureStringLocalizer
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.ResourceManagerStringLocalizer.WithCulture