FrameworkReference replaced with WindowsSdkPackageVersion for Windows SDK

Starting in .NET 5.0.8 (which includes .NET SDK 5.0.302 and .NET SDK 5.0.205), developers targeting Windows can't use the FrameworkReference item to override their version of the Windows SDK targeting package. The WindowsSdkPackageVersion property replaces this functionality.


We don't recommend overriding the Windows SDK version, because the Windows SDK targeting packages are included with the .NET 5+ SDK. Instead, to reference the latest Windows SDK package, update your version of the .NET SDK.

Version introduced

.NET SDK 5.0.302, .NET SDK 5.0.205

Previous behavior

Developers could use the FrameworkReference item to override the Windows SDK package version in .NET 5 applications. For example:

  <FrameworkReference Update="Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref" RuntimeFrameworkVersion="10.0.19041.18" />
  <FrameworkReference Update="Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref" TargetingPackVersion="10.0.19041.18" />

New behavior

The WindowsSdkPackageVersion property replaces the behavior of the FrameworkReference override. For example:


Category of change

This change might affect source compatibility.

Reason for change

This change was introduced to simplify the package override behavior for targeting the Windows SDK packages produced by C#/WinRT.

Remove any use of FrameworkReference in your .NET 5+ app's project file when targeting the Windows SDK.

Affected APIs

Windows APIs in .NET 5 and later versions that are provided by the Windows SDK targeting package.