Microsoft 365 group behaviors and provisioning options

On the group resource in Microsoft Graph, you can use the resourceBehaviorOptions property to set specific group behaviors when creating a Microsoft 365 group. The resourceProvisioningOptions property on the other hand indicates the specific resources provisioned for the group.

Resource behavior options

resourceBehaviorOptions is a string collection that specifies group behaviors for a Microsoft 365 group. These behaviors can be set only on group creation.

Supported values for resourceBehaviorOptions Description
AllowOnlyMembersToPost Only group members can post conversations to the group; otherwise, any user in the organization can post conversations to the group.
CalendarMemberReadOnly Members can view the group calendar in Outlook but can't make changes; otherwise, members can both view and edit the group calendar in Outlook.
ConnectorsDisabled Changes made to the group in Exchange Online aren't synced back to on-premises Active Directory.
HideGroupInOutlook This group is hidden in Outlook experiences; otherwise, the group is visible and discoverable in Outlook experiences.
SubscribeMembersToCalendarEventsDisabled Members aren't subscribed to the group's calendar events in Outlook.
SubscribeNewGroupMembers Group members are subscribed to receive group conversations.
WelcomeEmailDisabled Welcome emails aren't sent to new members.
SkipExchangeInstantOn For internal use only. DO NOT USE.

Resource provisioning options

resourceProvisioningOptions is a string collection that specifies the resources that are associated with the Microsoft 365 group.


We recommend that you avoid configuring the resourceProvisioningOptions property during group creation or update and instead, let the system manage the property.

Supported values for resourceProvisioningOptions Description
Team If set, the Microsoft 365 group is associated with a Teams team.