Support FAQs

This article contains frequently asked questions about Support, a feature that gives customers and some Microsoft roles the ability to create, manage, and view their Microsoft Support requests. It also lets you do self-service reporting and trending analysis against support information.

If you can't find an answer to your question, let us know by leaving a comment on the page so we can consider adding your question to this article.


How do I get help with Services Hub?

For assistance with Services Hub, use your registered email address to sign in to Services Hub. From the Operations Menu, select Help, then Complete the Contact Services Hub Team form and select Submit.

Who can create a new Support request via Services Hub?

Users designated as Support contacts can create support requests. If you're a Support Contact, you'll see a blue button labeled "Open a support request". If this button isn't visible, contact your Services Admin to get permissions.

Why can't I see the Support Request I'm looking for in Services Hub?

Your Support Request may be in another Services Hub workspace, consent may not be provided for the cloud asset or you don't have permissions to view the Support Request. Contact your Services Admin for assistance.

I haven't received the response I'm looking for from Microsoft about my Support Request. Where can I get more information?

Contact your Microsoft representative for assistance. A list of Support Contacts can be viewed on the Manage Users page.

I'm not a Support Contact in Services Hub. How can I get Microsoft support on Azure or Office 365?

You can contact Azure Support or Office 365 Support directly for assistance with these products.

No. Consent must be managed by Services Admins or Services Hub Global Administrators.