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MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus Enum


public enum class MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 524288)]
enum class MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 524288)]
public enum MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus
var value = Windows.Media.Miracast.MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus.success
Public Enum MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10, version 1903 (introduced in 10.0.18362.0)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v8.0)


AccessDenied 3

The operation failed because the app is not allowed to change the settings.

FriendlyNameTooLong 4

The operation failed because the number of characters in the FriendlyName parameter exceeded the maximum allowed value.

InvalidSettings 7

The operation failed because one or more parameters were set to an invalid value.

MiracastNotSupported 2

The operation failed because Miracast is not supported on the current device.

ModelNameTooLong 5

The operation failed because the number of characters in the ModelName parameter exceeded the maximum allowed value.

ModelNumberTooLong 6

The operation failed because the number of characters in the ModelNumber parameter exceeded the maximum allowed value.

Success 0

The operation succeeded.

UnknownFailure 1

The operation failed for an unknown reason.


Store apps must declare the PrivateNetworkClientServer capability in their app manifest in order to be allowed to change the Miracast settings. If the capability is missing, it results in an AccessDenied status value. If Miracast has been enabled by the system, such as through the Settings app, other apps are not allowed to change the settings, and attempts to do so will result in the AccessDenied status value.

Applies to

See also