Automated PSF config generation

This article talks about the integration of adding Package Support Framework (PSF) fixups with the MSIX Packaging Tool. This integration aims to simplify applying PSF fixups by automating the PSF config.json file generation, eliminating the need for manual configuration and reducing the potential for errors.


To try out this feature, download MSIX Packaging Tool from Microsoft Store

Automatically generate PSF config.json

To apply known fixups,

  1. Launch the MSIX Packaging Tool, select to Package Editor and navigate to the PSF Fixups tab.

  2. Select the Application ID as present in the manifest. The Executable path will be populated automatically.

  3. Select the Fixup that you want to apply and fill all the mandatory parameters in the right pane.

  4. You can review the configuration applied by clicking on Preview config.json and then click on Save to automatically apply the fixups.

PSF fixups tab in MPT

Supported PSF Features

1. Application Fixups

-Working Directory -Command Line Arguments 

2. PowerShell Start/End Script 

3. File Redirection Fixup 

-Package Relative

-Package Drive Relative

-Known Folder

4. Reg Legacy Fixup 





5. Environment Variable Fixup

6. Dynamic Library Fixup