ID2D1AnalysisTransform interface (d2d1effectauthor.h)

Supplies data to an analysis effect.


The ID2D1AnalysisTransform interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ID2D1AnalysisTransform also has these types of members:


The ID2D1AnalysisTransform interface has these methods.


Supplies the analysis data to an analysis transform.


This interface can be implemented by an ID2D1ComputeTransform. The analysis transform must be the output node of an effect's transform graph, and the effect's registration XML must include the type="Analysis" attribute on the root <Effect> node.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 and Platform Update for Windows 7 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 and Platform Update for Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header d2d1effectauthor.h