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UnderlineType Enum


Specifies the type of character underlining.

public enum class UnderlineType
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Version(1)]
enum class UnderlineType
public enum UnderlineType
var value = Microsoft.UI.Text.UnderlineType.undefined
Public Enum UnderlineType


Dash 6

A dashed line.

DashDot 7

Alternating dashes and dots.

DashDotDot 8

Single dashes, each followed by two dots.

Dotted 5

A dotted line.

Double 4

Two solid double lines.

DoubleWave 12

Two wavy lines.

HeavyWave 13

A thick wavy line.

LongDash 14

Long dashes.

None 1

Characters are not underlined.

Single 2

A single solid line.

Thick 10

A thick solid line.

ThickDash 15

Thick dashes.

ThickDashDot 16

Thick, alternating dashes and dots.

ThickDashDotDot 17

Thick single dashes, each followed by two thick dots.

ThickDotted 18

A thick dotted line.

ThickLongDash 19

Thick long dashes.

Thin 11

A thin solid line.

Undefined 0

No underline type is defined.

Wave 9

A wavy line.

Words 3

Underline words, but not the spaces between words.

Applies to

See also