How to stream datetime (yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss) format data from csv to Snowflake (yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss) in Data Factory

Takahashi, Hayate / 高橋 一颯 20 評価のポイント

How could I stream datetime (yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss) format data from csv to Snowflake (yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss) in Data Factory?

The error message below is displayed.

ErrorCode=UserErrorOdbcOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=ERROR [22007] Timestamp '2024/03/07 08:35:21' is not recognized

File 'T01_General.csv', line 2, character 333

Row 1, column ""T01_General""["Modified On":20]

If you would like to continue loading when an error is encountered, use other values such as 'SKIP_FILE' or 'CONTINUE' for the ON_ERROR option. For more information on loading options, please run 'info loading_data' in a SQL client.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Runtime.GenericOdbcConnectors,''Type=System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException,Message=ERROR [22007] Timestamp '2024/03/07 08:35:21' is not recognized

File 'T01_General.csv', line 2, character 333

Row 1, column ""T01_General""["Modified On":20]

If you would like to continue loading when an error is encountered, use other values such as 'SKIP_FILE' or 'CONTINUE' for the ON_ERROR option. For more information on loading options, please run 'info loading_data' in a SQL client.,Source=SnowflakeODBC_sb64.dll,'

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