Graph Subscription Limitation


We are creating graph subscriptions for "update" events in groups. Below is the request body we are using to create subscriptions:
changeType: "updated",
notificationUrl: https://XX/webhook,
resource: groups/{id},
expirationDateTime: expiryTime,
clientState: "secretClientValue",

Found that there was a quota limit on subscriptions per tenant.

Created around 200 subscriptions for first time. Next time, when tried to create it was throwing 403.

On the next try, we created atleast 2000 subscriptions still it didn't throw any error.

Does the limit apply on "groups/{id}" resource? If it is applicable, what is the limit?

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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  1. SungowMSFT 1 Reputation point

    I do not see any limit on group resource quota, however I see some limitation on Subscription length here -

    Following this thread.....


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