User stuck showing logging off Citrix session (FSLogix)

Dlo 6 Reputation points

Has anyone else ran into an issue where a user is stuck logging off from a Citrix session with only 4 processes.

After some troubleshooting we notice its the fslogix service holding onto the hung sessions.

If we restart the service it releases the hung sessions.

Looking at the fsloglix logs it looks like the user is logged out and the vhd is dismounted.

A set of solutions that enhance, enable, and simplify non-persistent Windows computing environments and may also be used to create more portable computing sessions when using physical devices.
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  1. Ronald van Beers 96 Reputation points

    i'm testing this: (update it works for me!!)

    As we're only experiencing problems after installing the July or later patch from Windows Server 2016.

    Install below in the master image: 10 1607 and Windows Server 2016 KB5015808 220809_20051 Known Issue Rollback.msi

    start on master image -> gpedit.msc (computer settings -> administrative -> KB501580 * -> disable)

    if it works for you, please upvote the fix for other people to find this solution faster.

    2 people found this answer helpful.

  2. Steve Istas 1 Reputation point

    Did anyone get a solution for this problem? I am having the exact same issue. About 12 users out of several hundred cannot seem to log off a VDI session without Windows 10 hanging. Using FSLogix on the desktop. I have tried deleting the profiles to have a new one created on login and it still happens to these users. Microsoft can't see to find a solution. I do have a ticket open with them.

  3. thomas 6 Reputation points

    Encountering the same issue.
    glad i found this post.
    Issue started after an windws update a month ago . ( removing update not possible in my case )
    i am not using cirtrix but the faulty behavior is exactly the same

    for wat i was able to test. winlogon exe hangs on the following processes ( note was not able to go further then searchindexer because the server crashed )
    winlogon.exe > frxsvc.exe thread 4586> frxsvc.exe thread 82624 > searchindexer.exe

    Did anyone try to go back to an older version of fslogix ?

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