Unexpected results returned when getting Todo list extension.

Richasy 21 Reputation points


I attached Open Extension data to both TodoTaskList and TodoTask.

I usually use the following Url to get the extended data while getting the list:

   https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/todo/lists/?$expand=extensions($filter=id eq 'My_Extension_Id')  


In the near future (it started to appear unstable about a week ago, and started to appear frequently in the past three days), When I request the link, the following error is returned:

       "error": {  
           "code": "InternalServerError",  
           "message": "Expected EntitySet or Singleton",  
           "innerError": {  
               "date": "2021-04-20T23:24:17",  
               "request-id": "3ee87874-a454-4819-8bb1-7f46fe41a510",  
               "client-request-id": "3b676de2-9ca2-3e9c-d9f5-c03a1b9b7244"  

I'm not sure if this is a single Todo module problem, or all modules involving Open Extension will have this problem.

Here is the Response header:

       "client-request-id": "8782bb7d-c116-3fb1-3e7e-d7947b936b6f",  
       "content-type": "application/json",  
       "request-id": "99dabc9e-1d1c-4c5a-8786-52ab2b5bc6f1"  

What I tried

I tried Graph Explorer, Postman and Fiddler, all returned the same error.
In addition, I requested a location in China and tried VPN, but it didn’t work.

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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