Time format in C#

Jim Jupiter 66 Reputation points


I use a StopWatch and in the end it creates the following time String

string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00},{2:000}",
ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds,

Now I would like to parse it in an DateTime variable ...

DateTime SpTime = DateTime.ParseExact(elapsedTime, "mm, ss, fff", null);

But it didn't work - System.FormatException

Any help?

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Accepted answer
  1. Viorel 112.1K Reputation points

    Check an example that seems to work:

    string elapsedTime = String.Format( "{0:00}:{1:00},{2:000}", 10, 45, 300 );
    DateTime SpTime = DateTime.ParseExact( elapsedTime, "mm:ss,fff", null );
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2 additional answers

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  1. Castorix31 81,721 Reputation points

    It works for me with :

     DateTime SpTime = DateTime.ParseExact(elapsedTime, "mm:ss,fff", null);
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  2. Karen Payne MVP 35,036 Reputation points

    Even though you have a solution you might be interested in the following.

    public sealed class StopWatcher
        private static readonly Lazy<StopWatcher> Lazy = 
            new Lazy<StopWatcher>( () => new StopWatcher());
        private readonly Stopwatch _stopwatch;
        private StopWatcher() { _stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); }
        public void Start()
        public void Stop() => _stopwatch.Stop();
        public TimeSpan Elapsed => _stopwatch.Elapsed;
        public string ElapsedFormatted => Elapsed.ToString("mm\\:ss\\.fff");
        public DateTime DateTime => DateTime.Now + Elapsed;
        public string DateTimeFormatted => DateTime.ToString("U");
        public static StopWatcher Instance => Lazy.Value;
        public override string ToString() => DateTimeFormatted;
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