Remote Desktop Gateway

van Daalen 41 Reputation points


I have a question about setting a specific RD Gateway address for one specific collection on my RD Deployment.
For some of our users external users we want to make it possible to work with remote apps using Azure App Proxy.

In the docs available about RDWeb and App Proxy they only talk about changing your RD Deployment gateway for the entire deployment. We want to keep our deployment with the existing configuration and only want the RD Gateway set to the app proxy url for a specific collection.

Does someone know if this PS commando work to achieve my goal:

Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName "Your Collection" -CustomRdpProperty "gatewayhostname:s:<GATEWAY.FQDN>:<Port, e.g. 9999>" -ConnectionBroker <Your Connection Broker>

Thank you. Levd

Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop
A Microsoft app that connects remotely to computers and to virtual apps and desktops.
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