How to get specific element from XML using LINQ or C#

Gani_tpt 1,806 Reputation points

I have the XML file. I want to get only specific element from the XML.

For example, ,

I want to get

TotResults="5000" , TotCount="45" and EmpStatus="Active"

from the below XML element.

How do i get using LINQ or simple C# code...?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<SearchCriteria TotPages="250" TotResults="5000" TotCount="45">
<Employee EmpId="AXZ2022101">
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Accepted answer
  1. Yitzhak Khabinsky 25,211 Reputation points

    Please try the following solution.

    It is using LINQ to XML API. It is available in the .Net Framework since 2007.


    void Main()
        const string filename = @"e:\Temp\GaniTPT.xml";
        XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(filename);
        Console.WriteLine("TotResults: {0}, TotCount: {1}, EmpStatus: {2}"
            , xdoc.Element("SearchCriteria").Attribute("TotResults").Value
            , xdoc.Element("SearchCriteria").Attribute("TotCount").Value
            , xdoc.Descendants("EmpStatus").FirstOrDefault().Value);


    TotResults: 5000, TotCount: 45, EmpStatus: Active
    1 person found this answer helpful.

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  1. P a u l 10,406 Reputation points

    If you copy your XML to your clipboard, create a file in your project called SearchCriteria.cs, go to "Edit > Paste Special > Paste Xml As Classes" and that'll generate a class structure for the XML in your clipboard. Then you'll be able to just use XmlSerializer to parse the text:

    using System.Xml.Serialization;
    const string xml = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>
     <SearchCriteria TotPages=""250"" TotResults=""5000"" TotCount=""45"">
     <Employee EmpId=""AXZ2022101"">
    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SearchCriteria));
    StringReader sr = new StringReader(xml);
    SearchCriteria criteria = (SearchCriteria)serializer.Deserialize(sr);