Unable to extract Regional and Language Settings from Graph API Beta

Rohan Awasthi 1 Reputation point

The requirement is to extract regional and language settings for the signed in user. I have explored the Internet and found that we have to use Graph API Beta version to achieve this. I have used the same. I can see the result in "Graph Explorer" web application, but it throwing "Null" values in my local c# application.

internal class Program {  
        private static IConfiguration _configuration;  
        private static string _tenantDomain;  
        private static string[] _graphScopes = new string[] { $"user.read", "user.readwrite.all", "user.read.all" };  
        /// <summary>  
        /// The access token for MS Graph  
        /// </summary>  
        /// NOTE: Do not use in prod apps as-is. you should be using a cached token obtained via MSAL. See aka.ms/aadcodesamples for a sample matching your app type and authN scenario  
        private static string _GraphAccessToken = string.Empty;  
        private static async Task Main(string[] args)  
            // Prepare an authenticated MS Graph SDK client  
            GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient = GetAuthenticatedGraphClient();  
            // Call Graph APIs  
            // Get information from Graph about the currently signed-In user  
            Console.WriteLine("--Fetching details of the currently signed-in user--");  
            await GetMeAsync(graphServiceClient);  
            /*Console.WriteLine("--Listing all groups this user is a member of--");  
            var groups = await GetUserGroupMemberships(graphServiceClient);  
            groups.ForEach(u => Console.WriteLine(u.DisplayName));  
            Console.WriteLine("--Listing all directory roles this user is a member of--");  
            var roles = await GetUsersDirectoryRoles(graphServiceClient);  
            roles.ForEach(u => Console.WriteLine(u.DisplayName));  
            //The delta query example  
            await GraphDeltaQueryExample(graphServiceClient);  
            // Batching  
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");  
        /// <summary>Calls the /me and /me/directreports endpoints of Microsoft Graph using the MS Graph SDK.</summary>  
        /// <param name="graphServiceClient">The graph service client.</param>  
        private static async Task GetMeAsync(GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient)  
            // Call /me Api  
            Console.WriteLine($"GET {graphServiceClient.Me.Request().RequestUrl}");  
            var me = await graphServiceClient.Me.Settings.RegionalAndLanguageSettings.Request().GetAsync();  
        LocaleInfo local = me.DefaultRegionalFormat;  
            Console.WriteLine($"Default Regional from /me->{local.DisplayName}");  
            // /me/directReports  
            Console.WriteLine($"GET {graphServiceClient.Me.DirectReports.Request().RequestUrl}");  
            var directreports = await graphServiceClient.Me.DirectReports.Request().GetAsync();  
            foreach (User user in directreports.CurrentPage)  
                Console.WriteLine($"Direct report's Display Name ->{user.DisplayName}");  
        private static void LoadConfig()  
            // Using appsettings.json as our configuration settings  
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()  
            _configuration = builder.Build();  
            _tenantDomain = _configuration.GetValue<string>("TenantDomain");  
        /// <summary>  
        /// An example of how to authenticate the Microsoft Graph SDK using the MSAL library  
        /// </summary>  
        /// <returns></returns>  
        private static GraphServiceClient GetAuthenticatedGraphClient()  
            string GraphApiEndpoint = _configuration.GetValue<string>("GraphApiEndpoint");  
            IPublicClientApplication app = BuildPublicClientApp();  
            GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient =  
                    new GraphServiceClient(GraphApiEndpoint, new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(async (requestMessage) =>  
                    // Retrieve an access token for Microsoft Graph (gets a fresh token if needed).  
                    await AuthenticateUsingMsalAsync(app);  
                    // Add the access token in the Authorization header of the API request.  
                    requestMessage.Headers.Authorization =  
                            new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _GraphAccessToken);  
            return graphServiceClient;  
        /// <summary>  
        /// Initializes the MSAL's IPublicClientApplication from the configuration  
        /// </summary>  
        /// <returns></returns>  
        private static IPublicClientApplication BuildPublicClientApp()  
            PublicClientApplicationOptions appConfiguration = _configuration.Get<PublicClientApplicationOptions>();  
            string authority = string.Concat(appConfiguration.Instance, appConfiguration.TenantId);  
            // Building a public client application  
            IPublicClientApplication app = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(appConfiguration.ClientId)  
            return app;  
        /// <summary>  
        /// Acquiring token for Graph using the MSAL SDK  
        /// </summary>  
        /// <param name="app">The IPublicClientApplication instance.</param>  
        /// <returns></returns>  
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Failed to obtain the JWT token for Graph</exception>  
        private static async Task<string> AuthenticateUsingMsalAsync(IPublicClientApplication app)  
            // Warning: This does not check for expired token and other relevant conditions.  
            // In production apps, you will always use token cache instead of using variables like below here.  
            // Use code samples ajaka.ms/aadcodesamples for your applicable app scenario  
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_GraphAccessToken))  
                return _GraphAccessToken;  
            var GraphResult = await app.AcquireTokenInteractive(_graphScopes).ExecuteAsync();  
            if (GraphResult == null)  
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to obtain the JWT token for Graph");  
            _GraphAccessToken = GraphResult.AccessToken;  
            return _GraphAccessToken;  

190024-graphapiexplorer-response.pngError Iam getting in Code:

*System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

local was null.*

In actual the value is not Null. When I open it via Graph API explorer I get response attached in image: URL: https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/settings/regionalAndLanguageSettings

I was trying to Fetch the Regional Language Settings but it doesn't shows in my C# application. Iam using Graph Beta API.

Taken help from below URL:


Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
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  1. Vicky Kumar (Mindtree Consulting PVT LTD) 1,156 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi Rohan

    The Docs says Microsoft Graph SDKs use the v1.0 version of the API by default, and it won't support all properties, in your case you need to use beta version for "regionalandlanguagesettings" property, make sure you have installed Microsoft Graph SDKs with the beta API .

    Reference doc - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/regionalandlanguagesettings-get?view=graph-rest-beta&tabs=csharp

    To install SDK for beta API please follow doc - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/sdks/use-beta?tabs=CS
