How to check all programs installed or running in system that use accessibility or UI automation feature

Dev Stability 7 Reputation points

My app enables accessibility and crashes in UIAutomation while releasing some ole acc object.

crash in below callstack:

0:000> kc  
 # Call Site  
00 oleacc!AccWrap_Base::Release  
01 uiautomationcore!AgileInterface<IAccessible>::Clear  
02 uiautomationcore!MsaaProxy::`scalar deleting destructor'  
03 uiautomationcore!MsaaProxy::Release  
04 uiautomationcore!UiaNode::`scalar deleting destructor'  
05 uiautomationcore!UiaNode::Release  
06 uiautomationcore!ReleaseOnCorrectContext_Callback  
07 uiautomationcore!ComInvoker::CallTarget  
08 uiautomationcore!ProcessStaticMethod  
09 uiautomationcore!ProcessIncomingRequest  
0a uiautomationcore!HookBasedServerConnectionManager::HookCallback  
0b uiautomationcore!HookUtil<&HookBasedClientConnection::HookCallback,0>::CallOut  
0c uiautomationcore!HandleHookMessage  
0d uiautomationcore!HookUtil<&HookBasedClientConnection::HookCallback,0>::CallWndProc  
0e user32!fnHkINLPCWPSTRUCTW  
0f user32!_fnDWORD  
10 ntdll!KiUserCallbackDispatcherContinue  
11 win32u!NtUserGetMessage  
12 user32!GetMessageA  
13 mfc140!AfxInternalPumpMessage  
14 mfc140!CWinThread::Run  
15 mfc140!AfxWinMain  

I need to know which acc client is creating the objects.
How to check all programs installed or running in system that use accessibility or UI automation feature. Can users disable some acc client from accessing my app ?

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