Get a list of available licenses by license group

How to get a list of licenses for the specified license groups available to users of the specified customer.


  • Credentials as described in Partner Center authentication. This scenario supports authentication with App+User credentials only.

  • A customer ID (customer-tenant-id). If you don't know the customer's ID, you can look it up in Partner Center by selecting the Customers workspace, then the customer from the customer list, then Account. On the customer's Account page, look for the Microsoft ID in the Customer Account Info section. The Microsoft ID is the same as the customer ID (customer-tenant-id).

  • A list of one or more license group identifiers.

GDAP roles

You'll need at least one of the following GDAP roles:

  • Directory Reader
  • Global Reader


To get a list of available licenses for the specified license groups, start by instantiating a List of type LicenseGroupId, and then add the license groups to the list. Next, use the IAggregatePartner.Customers.ById method with the customer ID to identify the customer. Then, get the value of the SubscribedSkus property to retrieve an interface to customer subscribed SKU collection operations. Finally, pass the list of license groups to the Get or GetAsync method to retrieve the list of subscribed SKUs with details on available license units.

// string selectedCustomerId;
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;

// To get subscribed SKUs available for group1, the license group for Azure Active Directory (AAD).
List<LicenseGroupId> licenseGroupIds = new List<LicenseGroupId>() { LicenseGroupId.Group1};
var customerUserAadSubscribedSkus = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).SubscribedSkus.Get(licenseGroupIds);

// To get subscribed SKUs available for group2, the license group for Minecraft product licenses.
List<LicenseGroupId> licenseGroupIds = new List<LicenseGroupId>() { LicenseGroupId.Group2};
var customerUserSfbSubscribedSkus = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).SubscribedSkus.Get(licenseGroupIds);

// To get both AAD and Minecraft subscribed SKUs.
List<LicenseGroupId> licenseGroupIds = new List<LicenseGroupId>() { LicenseGroupId.Group1, LicenseGroupId.Group2};
var customerUserBothAadAndSfbSubscribedSkus = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).SubscribedSkus.Get(licenseGroupIds);

REST request

Request syntax

Method Request URI
GET {baseURL}/v1/customers/{customer-id}/subscribedskus?licenseGroupIds=Group1 HTTP/1.1
GET {baseURL}/v1/customers/{customer-id}/subscribedskus?licenseGroupIds=Group2 HTTP/1.1
GET {baseURL}/v1/customers/{customer-id}/subscribedskus?licenseGroupIds=Group1&licenseGroupIds=Group2 HTTP/1.1

URI parameter

Use the following path and query parameters to identify the customer and the license groups.

Name Type Required Description
customer-id string Yes A GUID formatted string that identifies the customer.
licenseGroupIds string No An enum value that indicates the license group of the assigned licenses. Valid values: Group1, Group2 Group1 - This group has all products whose license can be managed in the Microsoft Entra ID. Group2 - This group has only Minecraft product licenses.

Request headers

For more information, see Partner Center REST headers.

Request body


Request example

Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: a1d077e4-28b1-4578-b873-6d1a82fa1644
MS-CorrelationId: c8cb5a60-ae08-4afc-92f0-efc42adfa186
X-Locale: en-US

REST response

If successful, the response body contains a collection of SubscribedSku resources.

Response success and error codes

Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and additional debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and additional parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center error codes.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 4328
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: c8cb5a60-ae08-4afc-92f0-efc42adfa186
MS-RequestId: a1d077e4-28b1-4578-b873-6d1a82fa1644
MS-CV: S6Pd5XQAx0Ss/zQi.0
MS-ServerId: 030011719
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2017 00:19:44 GMT

    "totalCount": 04,
    "items": [{
            "availableUnits": 15,
            "activeUnits": 15,
            "consumedUnits": 0,
            "suspendedUnits": 0,
            "totalUnits": 15,
            "warningUnits": 0,
            "productSku": {
                "id": "078d2b04-f1bd-4111-bbd4-b4b1b354cef4",
                "name": "Azure Active Directory Premium P1",
                "skuPartNumber": "AAD_PREMIUM",
                "targetType": "User",
                "licenseGroupId": "group1"
            "servicePlans": [{
                    "displayName": "Exchange Foundation",
                    "serviceName": "EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION",
                    "id": "113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318",
                    "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
                    "targetType": "Tenant"
                }, {
                    "displayName": "Azure Active Directory Premium P1",
                    "serviceName": "AAD_PREMIUM",
                    "id": "41781fb2-bc02-4b7c-bd55-b576c07bb09d",
                    "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
                    "targetType": "User"
                }, {
                    "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Multifactor Authentication",
                    "serviceName": "MFA_PREMIUM",
                    "id": "8a256a2b-b617-496d-b51b-e76466e88db0",
                    "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
                    "targetType": "User"
            "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "SubscribedSku"
        }, {
            "availableUnits": 1,
            "activeUnits": 1,
            "consumedUnits": 0,
            "suspendedUnits": 0,
            "totalUnits": 1,
            "warningUnits": 0,
            "productSku": {
                "id": "54b84594-9c77-4499-8d65-5e0d5f410e78",
                "name": "Dynamics AX Task",
                "skuPartNumber": "AX_TASK_USER",
                "targetType": "User",
                "licenseGroupId": "group1"
            "servicePlans": [

            "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "SubscribedSku"
        }, {
            "availableUnits": 23,
            "activeUnits": 72,
            "consumedUnits": 49,
            "suspendedUnits": 0,
            "totalUnits": 72,
            "warningUnits": 0,
            "productSku": {
                "id": "984df360-9a74-4647-8cf8-696749f6247a",
                "name": "Minecraft Education Edition Faculty",
                "skuPartNumber": "CFQ7TTC0K5DR/0002",
                "targetType": "User",
                "licenseGroupId": "group2"
            "servicePlans": [

            "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "SubscribedSku"
        }, {
            "availableUnits": 71,
            "activeUnits": 112,
            "consumedUnits": 41,
            "suspendedUnits": 0,
            "totalUnits": 112,
            "warningUnits": 0,
            "productSku": {
                "id": "1e7e1070-8ccb-4aca-b470-d7cb538cb07e",
                "name": "Windows 10 Enterprise E5",
                "skuPartNumber": "WIN_ENT_E5",
                "targetType": "User",
                "licenseGroupId": "group1"
            "servicePlans": [{
                    "displayName": "Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection",
                    "serviceName": "WINDEFATP",
                    "id": "871d91ec-ec1a-452b-a83f-bd76c7d770ef",
                    "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
                    "targetType": "User"
                }, {
                    "displayName": "Windows 10 Enterprise E3",
                    "serviceName": "WIN10_PRO_ENT_SUB",
                    "id": "21b439ba-a0ca-424f-a6cc-52f954a5b111",
                    "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
                    "targetType": "User"
            "capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "SubscribedSku"
    "attributes": {
        "objectType": "Collection"

Response example (no matching SKUs found)

If no matching subscribed SKUs can be found for the specified license groups, the response contains an empty collection with a totalCount element whose value is 0.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 71
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: c8cb5a60-ae08-4afc-92f0-efc42adfa186
MS-RequestId: a1d077e4-28b1-4578-b873-6d1a82fa1644
MS-CV: q05xrhUeDUKvhrFt.0
MS-ServerId: 030020525
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2017 22:50:11 GMT

    "totalCount": 0,
    "items": [],
    "attributes": {
        "objectType": "Collection"