Azure Machine Learning requires access to servers and services on the public internet. When implementing network isolation, you need to understand what access is required and how to enable it.
The information in this article applies to Azure Machine Learning workspace configured to use an Azure Virtual Network. When using a managed virtual network, the required inbound and outbound configuration for the workspace is automatically applied. For more information, see Azure Machine Learning managed virtual network.
Common terms and information
The following terms and information are used throughout this article:
Azure service tags: A service tag is an easy way to specify the IP ranges used by an Azure service. For example, the AzureMachineLearning tag represents the IP addresses used by the Azure Machine Learning service.
Azure service tags are only supported by some Azure services. For a list of service tags supported with network security groups and Azure Firewall, see the Virtual network service tags article.
If you are using a non-Azure solution such as a 3rd party firewall, download a list of Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags. Extract the file and search for the service tag within the file. The IP addresses may change periodically.
Region: Some service tags allow you to specify an Azure region. This limits access to the service IP addresses in a specific region, usually the one that your service is in. In this article, when you see <region>, substitute your Azure region instead. For example, BatchNodeManagement.<region> would be BatchNodeManagement.uswest if your Azure Machine Learning workspace is in the US West region.
Azure Batch: Azure Machine Learning compute clusters and compute instances rely on a back-end Azure Batch instance. This back-end service is hosted in a Microsoft subscription.
Ports: The following ports are used in this article. If a port range isn't listed in this table, it's specific to the service and may not have any published information on what it's used for:
Unsecured web traffic (HTTP)
Secured web traffic (HTTPS)
SMB traffic used to access file shares in Azure File storage
Used when connecting to RStudio on a compute instance
Used to connect to the language server to enable IntelliSense for notebooks on a compute instance.
Protocol: Unless noted otherwise, all network traffic mentioned in this article uses TCP.
Basic configuration
This configuration makes the following assumptions:
You're using docker images provided by a container registry that you provide, and won't be using images provided by Microsoft.
You're using a private Python package repository, and won't be accessing public package repositories such as, *, or *
The private endpoints can communicate directly with each other within the VNet. For example, all services have a private endpoint in the same VNet:
Azure Machine Learning workspace
Azure Storage Account (blob, file, table, queue)
Inbound traffic
Source ports
Inbound to compute instance/cluster. Only needed if the instance/cluster is configured to use a public IP address.
A network security group (NSG) is created by default for this traffic. For more information, see Default security rules.
Outbound traffic
Service tag(s)
80, 443
Authentication using Microsoft Entra ID.
443, 8787, 18881 UDP: 5831
Using Azure Machine Learning services.
Communication Azure Batch.
Creation of Azure resources with Azure Machine Learning.
Access data stored in the Azure Storage Account for compute cluster and compute instance. This outbound can be used to exfiltrate data. For more information, see Data exfiltration protection.
AzureFrontDoor.FrontEnd * Not needed in Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet.
Used to log monitoring and metrics to Azure Monitor. Only needed if you haven't secured Azure Monitor for the workspace. * This outbound is also used to log information for support incidents.
Required when private endpoints are present in the virtual network or peered virtual networks.
If a compute instance or compute cluster is configured for no public IP, by default it can't access the internet. If it can still send outbound traffic to the internet, it is because of Azure default outbound access and you have an NSG that allows outbound to the internet. We don't recommend using the default outbound access. If you need outbound access to the internet, we recommend using one of the following options instead of the default outbound access:
Azure Virtual Network NAT with a public IP: For more information on using Virtual Network Nat, see the Virtual Network NAT documentation.
User-defined route and firewall: Create a user-defined route in the subnet that contains the compute. The Next hop for the route should reference the private IP address of the firewall, with an address prefix of
Recommended configuration for training and deploying models
Outbound traffic
Service tag(s)
MicrosoftContainerRegistry and AzureFrontDoor.FirstParty
Allows use of Docker images that Microsoft provides for training and inference. Also sets up the Azure Machine Learning router for Azure Kubernetes Service.
To allow installation of Python packages for training and deployment, allow outbound traffic to the following host names:
The following list doesn't contain all of the hosts required for all Python resources on the internet, only the most commonly used. For example, if you need access to a GitHub repository or other host, you must identify and add the required hosts for that scenario.
Host name
Purpose *
Used to install default packages.
Used to get repo data.
Used to list dependencies from the default index, if any, and the index isn't overwritten by user settings. If the index is overwritten, you must also allow * *
Used by some examples based on PyTorch.
Used by some examples based on TensorFlow.
Scenario: Install RStudio on compute instance
To allow installation of RStudio on a compute instance, the firewall needs to allow outbound access to the sites to pull the Docker image from. Add the following Application rule to your Azure Firewall policy:
Name: AllowRStudioInstall
Source Type: IP Address
Source IP Addresses: The IP address range of the subnet where you will create the compute instance. For example,
To allow the installation of R packages, allow outbound traffic to This host is used for installing CRAN packages.
If you need access to a GitHub repository or other host, you must identify and add the required hosts for that scenario.
Scenario: Using compute cluster or compute instance with a public IP
A compute instance or compute cluster without a public IP does not need inbound traffic from Azure Batch management and Azure Machine Learning services. However, if you have multiple computes and some of them use a public IP address, you will need to allow this traffic.
When using Azure Machine Learning compute instance or compute cluster (with a public IP address), allow inbound traffic from the Azure Machine Learning service. A compute instance or compute cluster with no public IP (preview) doesn't require this inbound communication. A Network Security Group allowing this traffic is dynamically created for you, however you might need to also create user-defined routes (UDR) if you have a firewall. When creating a UDR for this traffic, you can use either IP Addresses or service tags to route the traffic.
For the Azure Machine Learning service, you must add the IP address of both the primary and secondary regions. To find the secondary region, see the Cross-region replication in Azure. For example, if your Azure Machine Learning service is in East US 2, the secondary region is Central US.
To get a list of IP addresses of the Azure Machine Learning service, download the Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags and search the file for AzureMachineLearning.<region>, where <region> is your Azure region.
The IP addresses may change over time.
When creating the UDR, set the Next hop type to Internet. This means the inbound communication from Azure skips your firewall to access the load balancers with public IPs of Compute Instance and Compute Cluster. UDR is required because Compute Instance and Compute Cluster will get random public IPs at creation, and you cannot know the public IPs before creation to register them on your firewall to allow the inbound from Azure to specific IPs for Compute Instance and Compute Cluster. The following image shows an example IP address based UDR in the Azure portal:
Create user-defined routes for the AzureMachineLearning service tag.
The following command demonstrates adding a route for this service tag:
Azure CLI
az network route-table route create -g MyResourceGroup --route-table-name MyRouteTable -n AzureMLRoute --address-prefix AzureMachineLearning --next-hop-type Internet
Scenario: Firewall between Azure Machine Learning and Azure Storage endpoints
You must also allow outbound access to Storage.<region> on port 445.
Scenario: Workspace created with the hbi_workspace flag enabled
You must also allow outbound access to Keyvault.<region>. This outbound traffic is used to access the key vault instance for the back-end Azure Batch service.
For more information on the hbi_workspace flag, see the data encryption article.
Scenario: Use Kubernetes compute
Kubernetes Cluster running behind an outbound proxy server or firewall needs extra egress network configuration.
Required to download the necessary security patches.
Replace <your workspace workspace ID> with your workspace ID. The ID can be found in Azure portal - your Machine Learning resource page - Properties - Workspace ID.
Replace <your storage account> with the storage account name.
Replace <your ACR name> with the name of the Azure Container Registry for your workspace.
Replace <region> with the region of your workspace.
In-cluster communication requirements
To install the Azure Machine Learning extension on Kubernetes compute, all Azure Machine Learning related components are deployed in a azureml namespace. The following in-cluster communication is needed to ensure the ML workloads work well in the AKS cluster.
The components in azureml namespace should be able to communicate with Kubernetes API server.
The components in azureml namespace should be able to communicate with each other.
The components in azureml namespace should be able to communicate with kube-dns and konnectivity-agent in kube-system namespace.
If the cluster is used for real-time inferencing, azureml-fe-xxx PODs should be able to communicate with the deployed model PODs on 5001 port in other namespace. azureml-fe-xxx PODs should open 11001, 12001, 12101, 12201, 20000, 8000, 8001, 9001 ports for internal communication.
If the cluster is used for real-time inferencing, the deployed model PODs should be able to communicate with amlarc-identity-proxy-xxx PODs on 9999 port.
Scenario: Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code relies on specific hosts and ports to establish a remote connection.
The hosts in this section are used to install Visual Studio Code packages to establish a remote connection between Visual Studio Code and compute instances in your Azure Machine Learning workspace.
This is not a complete list of the hosts required for all Visual Studio Code resources on the internet, only the most commonly used. For example, if you need access to a GitHub repository or other host, you must identify and add the required hosts for that scenario. For a complete list of host names, see Network Connections in Visual Studio Code.
Used to retrieve websocket server bits that are installed on the compute instance. The websocket server is used to transmit requests from Visual Studio Code client (desktop application) to Visual Studio Code server running on the compute instance. The azureml_websocket_server is required only when connecting to an Interactive Job, see Interact with your jobs (debug and monitor)
Used for Visual Studio Code download CDN
You must allow network traffic to ports 8704 to 8710. The VS Code server dynamically selects the first available port within this range.
Scenario: Third party firewall or Azure Firewall without service tags
The guidance in this section is generic, as each firewall has its own terminology and specific configurations. If you have questions, check the documentation for the firewall you're using.
If you're using Azure Firewall, and want to use the FQDNs listed in this section instead of using service tags, use the following guidance:
FQDNs that use HTTP/S ports (80 and 443) should be configured as application rules.
FQDNs that use other ports should be configured as network rules.
If not configured correctly, the firewall can cause problems using your workspace. There are various host names that are used both by the Azure Machine Learning workspace. The following sections list hosts that are required for Azure Machine Learning.
Dependencies API
You can also use the Azure Machine Learning REST API to get a list of hosts and ports that you must allow outbound traffic to. To use this API, use the following steps:
Get an authentication token. The following command demonstrates using the Azure CLI to get an authentication token and subscription ID:
Azure CLI
TOKEN=$(az account get-access-token--query accessToken -o tsv)
SUBSCRIPTION=$(az account show --query id -o tsv)
Call the API. In the following command, replace the following values:
Replace <region> with the Azure region your workspace is in. For example, westus2.
Replace <resource-group> with the resource group that contains your workspace.
Replace <workspace-name> with the name of your workspace.
Azure CLI
az rest --method GET \
--url"https://<region>$SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/<resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/<workspace-name>/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints?api-version=2018-03-01-preview" \
--header Authorization="Bearer $TOKEN"
The result of the API call is a JSON document. The following snippet is an excerpt of this document:
The hosts in the following tables are owned by Microsoft, and provide services required for the proper functioning of your workspace. The tables list hosts for the Azure public, Azure Government, and Microsoft Azure operated by 21Vianet regions.
Azure Machine Learning uses Azure Storage Accounts in your subscription and in Microsoft-managed subscriptions. Where applicable, the following terms are used to differentiate between them in this section:
Your storage: The Azure Storage Account(s) in your subscription, which is used to store your data and artifacts such as models, training data, training logs, and Python scripts.>
Microsoft storage: The Azure Machine Learning compute instance and compute clusters rely on Azure Batch, and must access storage located in a Microsoft subscription. This storage is used only for the management of the compute instances. None of your data is stored here.
In the following table, replace <storage> with the name of the default storage account for your Azure Machine Learning workspace. Replace <region> with the region of your workspace.
Docker images maintained by Azure Machine Learning
Required for
Microsoft Container Registry *
Azure Container Registry is required for any custom Docker image. This includes small modifications (such as additional packages) to base images provided by Microsoft. It is also required by the internal training job submission process of Azure Machine Learning. Furthermore, Microsoft Container Registry is always needed regardless of the scenario.