R Packages supported by Machine Learning Studio (classic)


Support for Machine Learning Studio (classic) will end on 31 August 2024. We recommend you transition to Azure Machine Learning by that date.

Beginning 1 December 2021, you will not be able to create new Machine Learning Studio (classic) resources. Through 31 August 2024, you can continue to use the existing Machine Learning Studio (classic) resources.

ML Studio (classic) documentation is being retired and may not be updated in the future.

This article lists the packages included by default in Machine Learning Studio (classic). To use one of the preloaded packages in your R code, you simply import the package using standard R syntax.


Applies to: Machine Learning Studio (classic) only

Similar drag-and-drop modules are available in Azure Machine Learning designer.


Packages available in Studio (classic) can be updated, or the version refreshed, without warning. To get the latest and most complete list of the R packages that are in the Machine Learning Studio (classic) environment, we recommend that you use this script.

Unsupported packages

A number of packages (not listed here) are included in the Machine Learning environment but cannot be called from R code because of the following issues:

  • The package has a Java dependency.
  • The package binaries are not compatible with the sandboxed Azure environment.
  • The package requires direct Internet access, or network access.

Use R code to return package list as dataset

To get a list of the R packages in the current environment, add the following code to an instance of the Execute R Script:

data.set <- data.frame(installed.packages())

List of supported packages

Over 650 R packages are preloaded in the Machine Learning environment. This section lists the packages from CRAN and Microsoft R Open that are supported as of the date of this update (10/2018).



The Compatibility column indicates whether the package is included with CRAN R 3.1 or Microsoft R Open (MRO; currently 3.2.2 and 3.4.4). If not otherwise marked, the package is included with both.


Many new packages are now available from Microsoft R Open. This means that you can easily use the same R code in Azure ML Studio (classic), Microsoft R Server, and in SQL Server Machine Learning Services.


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
abc x x x
abc.data x x
abind x x x
acepack x x
actuar x x x
ade4 x x x
AdMit x x x
aod x x
ape x x x
aplpack x x x
approximator x x x
arm x x x
arules x x x
arulesViz x x x
ash x x x
assertthat x x x
AtelieR x x x
AzureML x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
BaBooN x x x
BACCO x x x
backports x
BaM x x x
bark x
BAS x x x
base x x x
base64enc x x
BayesDA x x x
bayesGARCH x x x
bayesm x x x
bayesmix x x x
bayesQR x x x
bayesSurv x x x
Bayesthresh x x x
BayesTree x x x
BayesValidate x x x
BayesX x x x
BayHaz x x x
bbemkr x x x
BCBCSF x x x
BCE x x x
bclust x x x
bcp x x x
BenfordTests x x x
bfp x x x
BH x x x
bindr x
bindrcpp x
bisoreg x x x
bit x x x
bit64 x x x
bitops x x x
blob x
BLR x x x
BMA x x x
Bmix x x x
BMS x x x
bnlearn x x x
boa x x x
Bolstad x
boot x x x
bootstrap x x x
bqtl x x x
BradleyTerry2 x x x
brew x x x
brglm x x x
broom x
bspec x x x
bspmma x x x
BVS x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
C50 x x x
cairoDevice x x x
calibrator x x x
car x x x
carData x
caret x x x
catnet x x x
caTools x x x
cclust x x
cellranger x
checkmate x
checkpoint x
chron x x x
class x x x
classInt x
cli x
clue x x x
cluster x x x
clusterSim x x x
clv x x
coda x x x
codetools x x x
coin x x x
colorspace x x x
combinat x x x
commonmark x
compiler x x x
CORElearn x x x
corpcor x x x
corrplot x x x
crayon x x
crosstalk x
cslogistic x x x
ctv x x x
cubature x x x
Cubist x
curl x x
cvTools x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
data.table x x x
datasets x x x
date x x x
DBI x x x
dclone x x x
ddalpha x
deal x x x
Deducer x x x
DeducerExtras x x x
deepnet x x x
Defaults x
deldir x x x
dendextend x x
DEoptimR x x x
Deriv x
desc x
deSolve x x x
devtools x x x
DiagrammeR x x
dichromat x x x
digest x x x
dimRed x
diptest x
distrom x x x
dlm x x x
DMwR x x
doParallel x x
doRSR x x
doSNOW x x x
dotCall64 x
downloader x
dplyr x x x
DPpackage x x x
dse x x x
DT x
dtw x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
e1071 x x x
earth x x x
EbayesThresh x x x
ebdbNet x x x
effects x x x
ellipse x x x
emulator x x x
ensembleBMA x x x
entropy x x x
estimability x
EvalEst x x x
evaluate x x x
evdbayes x x x
exactLoglinTest x x x
expint x
expm x x x
extremevalues x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
FactoMineR x x x
factorQR x x x
faoutlier x x x
fBasics x x x
fields x x
filehash x x x
fitdistrplus x x x
flashClust x x x
flexmix x
FME x x x
forcats x
foreach x x x
forecast x x x
foreign x x x
formatR x x x
Formula x x x
fpc x
fracdiff x x x
fTrading x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
gam x x x
gamlr x x x
gbm x x x
gclus x x x
gdata x x x
gee x x x
gender x x
genetics x x x
geoR x x x
geoRglm x x x
geosphere x x x
GGally x x x
ggdendro x x x
ggformula x
ggmap x x x
ggmcmc x x x
ggplot2 x x x
ggthemes x x x
git2r x x
glmmBUGS x x x
glmnet x x x
glue x
gmodels x x x
gmp x x x
gnm x x x
googlePublicData x x x
googleVis x x x
gower x
GPArotation x x x
gplots x x x
graphics x x x
grDevices x x x
gregmisc x
grid x x x
gridBase x x
gridExtra x x x
growcurves x x x
grpreg x x x
gss x x x
gsubfn x x x
gtable x x x
gtools x x x
gWidgets x x x
gWidgetsRGtk2 x x x
gWidgetstcltk x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
haplo.stats x x x
hash x x x
haven x
hbsae x x x
hdrcde x x x
heavy x x x
hexbin x x x
hflights x x x
HH x x x
HI x x x
highr x x x
HistData x x x
Hmisc x x x
hms x
HSAUR x x x
htmlTable x
htmltools x x x
htmlwidgets x x
httpuv x x x
httr x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
IBrokers x x x
ifultools x x
igraph x x x
influenceR x
inline x x x
intervals x x x
inum x
iplots x x
ipred x x x
irlba x x
irr x x x
iterators x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
JavaGD x x x
JGR x x x
jpeg x x x
jsonlite x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
kernlab x x x
KernSmooth x x x
KFKSDS x x x
kinship2 x x x
kknn x x x
klaR x x x
knitr x x x
ks x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
labeling x x x
labelled x
laeken x
Lahman x x x
lars x x x
lattice x x x
latticeExtra x x x
lava x x x
lavaan x x x
lazyeval x x x
leaps x x x
LearnBayes x x x
libcoin x
LiblineaR x x x
limSolve x x x
lme4 x x x
lmm x x x
lmPerm x
lmtest x x x
locfit x x x
locpol x x
LogicReg x x x
longitudinalData x x
lpSolve x x x
lsa x x x
LSAfun x x
lubridate x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
magic x x x
magrittr x x x
manipulateWidget x
mapdata x x x
mapproj x x x
maps x x x
maptools x x x
maptree x x x
markdown x x x
MASS x x x
MasterBayes x x x
Matrix x x x
matrixcalc x x x
MatrixModels x x x
maxent x x x
maxLik x x x
mboost x x x
mclust x
mcmc x x x
MCMCglmm x x x
MCMCpack x x x
mda x x x
memoise x x x
methods x x x
mgcv x x x
mi x x
mice x x x
microbenchmark x x x
mime x x x
miniCRAN x x
miniUI x
minpack.lm x x x
minqa x x x
mirt x x
misc3d x x x
miscF x x x
miscTools x x x
mixtools x x x
mlbench x x x
mlogitBMA x x x
mnormt x x x
MNP x x x
modeest x
ModelMetrics x
modeltools x x x
mombf x x x
monomvn x x x
monreg x x x
mosaic x x x
mosaicCore x
mosaicData x x x
MSBVAR x x x
msm x x x
multcomp x x x
multicool x x x
munsell x x x
mvoutlier x x x
mvtnorm x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
ncvreg x x x
network x
nlme x x x
nloptr x x x
NLP x x x
NMF x x
nnet x x x
nnls x x x
numbers x x x
numDeriv x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
OceanView x
openNLP x x x
openNLPdata x x x
openssl x x
OutlierDC x x x
OutlierDM x x x
outliers x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
pacbpred x x x
parallel x x x
partitions x x x
party x x x
partykit x x
PAWL x x x
pbapply x
pbivnorm x x x
pbkrtest x
pcaPP x x x
pdc x x
PerformanceAnalytics x x x
permute x x x
pillar x
pkgconfig x
pkgmaker x x
pkgXMLBuilder x x
plogr x
plot3D x
plot3Drgl x
plotly x
plotmo x x x
plotrix x x x
pls x x x
plyr x x x
png x x x
polspline x x x
polynom x x x
PottsUtils x x x
prablclus x
praise x x
predmixcor x x x
PresenceAbsence x x x
prettyunits x
pROC x x x
prodlim x x x
profdpm x x x
profileModel x x x
progress x
proto x x x
proxy x x
pryr x x x
pscl x x x
psych x x x
purr x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
qap x x
qdap x x
qdapDictionaries x x x
qdapRegex x x x
qdapTools x x x
quadprog x x x
quantmod x x x
quantreg x x x
questionr x
qvcalc x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
R.matlab x x x
R.methodsS3 x x x
R.oo x x x
R.utils x x x
R2HTML x x x
R2jags x x x
R2OpenBUGS x x x
R2WinBUGS x x x
R6 x x x
ramps x x x
RandomFields x x x
RandomFieldsUtils x x
randomForest x x x
RArcInfo x x x
raster x x x
rattle x x x
rbenchmark x x x
rbugs x x x
RColorBrewer x x x
Rcpp x x x
RcppArmadillo x x x
rcppbugs x x x
RcppEigen x x x
RcppExamples x x x
RcppRoll x
RCurl x x x
readr x x
readxl x
recipes x
registry x x
relimp x x x
rematch x
reports x x x
reshape x x x
reshape2 x x x
RevoIOQ x x
revoIpe x x
RevoMods x x
RevoPemaR x x
RevoRpeConnector x x
RevoRsrConnector x x
RevoTreeView x x
RevoUtils x x
RevoUtilsMath x x
rgdal x x x
rgeos x x x
regx x
rgl x x
RgoogleMaps x x x
RGraphics x x x
RGtk2 x x x
RINside x x
RJaCGH x x x
rjags x x
Rjava x x x
rjson x x x
rlang x
rlecuyer x x
Rmpfr x x
rms x x
RMySQL x x
rngtools x x
robCompositions x x x
robustbase x x x
ROCR x x x
RODBC x x x
Rook x
rootSolve x x x
roxygen x
roxygen2 x x x
rpart x x x
rpart.plot x x x
rprojroot x
rrcov x x x
rscproxy x x x
RSGHB x x x
RSNNS x x x
RSQLite x x x
rstudioapi x x
RTextTools x x x
RUnit x x x
runjags x x x
Runuran x x x
RWekajars x x x
rworldmap x x x
rworldxtra x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
SampleSizeMeans x x x
SampleSizeProportions x x x
sandwich x x x
sbgcop x x x
scales x x x
scapeMCMC x
scatterplot3d x x x
sciplot x x x
segmented x x x
sem x x x
seriation x x x
setRNG x x x
sfsmisc x x
sgeostat x x x
shape x
shapefiles x x x
shiny x x x
SimpleTable x x x
SIS x x x
skmeans x x x
slam x x x
smoothSurv x x x
sna x x x
snow x x x
SnowballC x x x
snowFT x x x
sourcetools x
sp x x x
spacetime x x x
spam x x
SparseM x x x
spatial x x x
spBayes x x x
spData x
spdep x x x
spikeslab x x x
splancs x x x
splines x x x
spls x x x
splus2R x x
spTimer x x x
sqldf x x x
sROC x x
stabledist x x x
stabs x x x
statnet.common x
stats x x x
stats4 x x x
stepPlr x x x
stochvol x x x
stringdist x x x
stringi x x x
stringr x x x
strucchange x x x
stsm x x x
stsm.class x x x
SuppDists x x x
survey x
survival x x x
svmpath x x x
svUnit x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
tau x x x
tcltk x x x
tcltk2 x x x
TeachingDemos x x x
tensorA x x x
testthat x x x
textcat x x x
textir x x x
tfplot x x x
tframe x x x
tgp x x x
TH.data x x x
tibble x
tidyr x x x
tidyselect x
timeDate x x x
timeSeries x x x
tm x x x
tools x x x
topicmodels x x x
tree x x x
trimcluster x
TSclust x x
tseries x x x
tsfa x x x
tsoutliers x x x
TSP x x x
TTR x x x
twitteR x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
UsingR x x x
utf8 x
utils x x x
uuid x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
varSelectIP x
vcd x x x
vegan x x x
venneuler x x x
VGAM x x x
VIF x x x
VIM x x
viridis x
viridisLite x
visNetwork x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
wavethresh x
whisker x x x
withr x x
wmtsa x x
wordcloud x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
xgboost x x
XLConnect x x x
XLConnectJars x x x
xlsx x x x
xlsxjars x x x
XML x x x
xml2 x
xtable x x x
xts x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
yaml x x x

List of supported packages


Package name CRAN R 3.1 MRO 3.2.2 MRO 3.4.4
zic x x x
zipfR x x x
zoo x x x

List of supported packages

See also

R Language Modules