Extend table maps that are used for versioning

PurchLineMap table map logic

When new fields are added to the PurchLine and PurchLineHistory tables using table extensions, the new fields must be copied between the tables when a purchase order is versioned. The PurchLineMap table map specifies the fields that must be copied between the PurchLine table and the PurchLineHistory table when a new purchase order version is created or edited. To accomplish this, extend the PurchLineMap map table to include the additional fields. Additionally, the PurchLineMap is used by the VersioningPurchaseOrder class when archiving purchase order lines. The model is shown in the following diagram.


To be able to specify new fields to be copied, the PurchLineMap table map logic and its usage have been refactored. The copy logic has been moved to the PurchLineVersioning class, so the VersioningPurchaseOrder class references the PurchLineVersioning class instead of the PurchLineMap table map. The PurchLineVersioning class delegates the logic to copy the fields and the logic to determine whether a confirmation is required from the classes that implement the PurchLineIVersioningFieldSet interface. Each class that implements the interface is associated with a table map that specifies the fields to copy.

The PurchLineDictVersioning class instantiates the PurchLineIVersioningFieldSet object using reflection. The PurchLineDictVersioning class collects the entire set of fields which need to be copied. The field data is collected based on all the table maps associated with a class that implements PurchLineIVersioningFieldSet. The following diagram displays the new classes and their dependencies.


How to extend PurchLine and PurchLineHistory tables with new fields

Suppose that you want the ISVModule2 model to extend the PurchLine and PurchLineHistory tables with new fields that must be copied when creating a new version of a purchase order.


You must have developer access to the ISVModule2 model.

To complete this task, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Add fields by using table extensions to the PurchLine and PurchLineHistory tables.
  2. Create a new table map containing the fields that must be copied, and implement the new table map on the two new table extensions.
  3. Create a new class to implement the PurchLineIVersioningFieldSet interface and implement the following required methods.
    • copyVersion method - Copies data between two records of the new table map type.
    • fieldSetTableMapId method - Returns the ID of the new table map.
    • isChangeConfirmationRequired method - Returns true or false based on whether the change to the newly added field values requires a confirmation to be created.

The classes, interfaces, and extensions described in these steps are shown in the following diagram.
