SortedList.GetByIndex(Int32) Methode


Ruft den Wert am angegebenen Index in einem SortedList-Objekt ab.

 virtual System::Object ^ GetByIndex(int index);
public virtual object GetByIndex (int index);
public virtual object? GetByIndex (int index);
abstract member GetByIndex : int -> obj
override this.GetByIndex : int -> obj
Public Overridable Function GetByIndex (index As Integer) As Object



Der nullbasierte Index des abzurufenden Werts.

Gibt zurück


Der Wert am angegebenen Index im SortedList-Objekt.


index liegt außerhalb des Bereichs der gültigen Indizes für das SortedList-Objekt.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird gezeigt, wie Sie einen oder alle Schlüssel oder Werte in einem SortedList Objekt abrufen.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
   SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList;
   mySL->Add( 1.3, "fox" );
   mySL->Add( 1.4, "jumps" );
   mySL->Add( 1.5, "over" );
   mySL->Add( 1.2, "brown" );
   mySL->Add( 1.1, "quick" );
   mySL->Add( 1.0, "The" );
   mySL->Add( 1.6, "the" );
   mySL->Add( 1.8, "dog" );
   mySL->Add( 1.7, "lazy" );
   // Gets the key and the value based on the index.
   int myIndex = 3;
   Console::WriteLine( "The key   at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySL->GetKey( myIndex ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "The value at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySL->GetByIndex( myIndex ) );
   // Gets the list of keys and the list of values.
   IList^ myKeyList = mySL->GetKeyList();
   IList^ myValueList = mySL->GetValueList();
   // Prints the keys in the first column and the values in the second column.
   Console::WriteLine( "\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < mySL->Count; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "\t{0}\t{1}", myKeyList[ i ], myValueList[ i ] );

This code produces the following output.

The key   at index 3 is 1.3.
The value at index 3 is fox.
        -KEY-   -VALUE-
        1       The
        1.1     quick
        1.2     brown
        1.3     fox
        1.4     jumps
        1.5     over
        1.6     the
        1.7     lazy
        1.8     dog
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class SamplesSortedList  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
      SortedList mySL = new SortedList();
      mySL.Add( 1.3, "fox" );
      mySL.Add( 1.4, "jumps" );
      mySL.Add( 1.5, "over" );
      mySL.Add( 1.2, "brown" );
      mySL.Add( 1.1, "quick" );
      mySL.Add( 1.0, "The" );
      mySL.Add( 1.6, "the" );
      mySL.Add( 1.8, "dog" );
      mySL.Add( 1.7, "lazy" );

      // Gets the key and the value based on the index.
      int myIndex=3;
      Console.WriteLine( "The key   at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySL.GetKey( myIndex ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "The value at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySL.GetByIndex( myIndex ) );

      // Gets the list of keys and the list of values.
      IList myKeyList = mySL.GetKeyList();
      IList myValueList = mySL.GetValueList();

      // Prints the keys in the first column and the values in the second column.
      Console.WriteLine( "\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < mySL.Count; i++ )
         Console.WriteLine( "\t{0}\t{1}", myKeyList[i], myValueList[i] );
This code produces the following output.

The key   at index 3 is 1.3.
The value at index 3 is fox.
    -KEY-    -VALUE-
    1    The
    1.1    quick
    1.2    brown
    1.3    fox
    1.4    jumps
    1.5    over
    1.6    the
    1.7    lazy
    1.8    dog
Imports System.Collections

Public Class SamplesSortedList
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
        Dim mySL As New SortedList()
        mySL.Add(1.3, "fox")
        mySL.Add(1.4, "jumps")
        mySL.Add(1.5, "over")
        mySL.Add(1.2, "brown")
        mySL.Add(1.1, "quick")
        mySL.Add(1.0, "The")
        mySL.Add(1.6, "the")
        mySL.Add(1.8, "dog")
        mySL.Add(1.7, "lazy")
        ' Gets the key and the value based on the index.
        Dim myIndex As Integer = 3
        Console.WriteLine("The key   at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, _
        Console.WriteLine("The value at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, _
        ' Gets the list of keys and the list of values.
        Dim myKeyList As IList = mySL.GetKeyList()
        Dim myValueList As IList = mySL.GetValueList()
        ' Prints the keys in the first column and the values in the second column.
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & "-KEY-" & ControlChars.Tab & _
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To mySL.Count - 1
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & "{0}" & ControlChars.Tab & _
               "{1}", myKeyList(i), myValueList(i))
        Next i
    End Sub
End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' The key   at index 3 is 1.3.
' The value at index 3 is fox.
'     -KEY-    -VALUE-
'     1    The
'     1.1    quick
'     1.2    brown
'     1.3    fox
'     1.4    jumps
'     1.5    over
'     1.6    the
'     1.7    lazy
'     1.8    dog


Die Indexsequenz basiert auf der Sortiersequenz. Wenn ein Element hinzugefügt wird, wird SortedList es in die richtige Sortierreihenfolge eingefügt, und die Indizierung passt entsprechend an. Wenn ein Element entfernt wird, passt sich die Indizierung auch entsprechend an. Daher kann sich der Index eines bestimmten Schlüssel-/Wertpaars ändern, da Elemente aus dem SortedList Objekt hinzugefügt oder entfernt werden.

Diese Methode ist ein O(1) Vorgang.

Gilt für

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