Suchen von Text in Word-Dokumenten (LINQ to XML)

In diesem Artikel werden die vorherigen Abfragen erweitert, um alle Vorkommen einer Zeichenfolge in einem WordProcessingML-Dokument zu finden.

Beispiel: Suchen aller Vorkommen einer Zeichenfolge in einem WordProcessingML-Dokument

In diesem Beispiel werden alle Vorkommen in einem WordprocessingML-Dokument eines bestimmten Textabschnitts (die Zeichenfolge "Hello") gefunden. Das Beispiel baut auf den vorherigen Beispielen dieses Lernprogramms auf. Die hinzugefügte Abfrage wird durch Kommentare im Code hervorgehoben.

Die Anleitung zum Erstellen des Quelldokuments für dieses Beispiel finden Sie unter Erstellen des Office Open-XML-Quelldokuments.

Dieses Beispiel verwendet Klassen aus der WindowsBase-Assembly. Außerdem werden Typen im System.IO.Packaging-Namespace verwendet.

public static class LocalExtensions
    public static string StringConcatenate(this IEnumerable<string> source)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (string s in source)
        return sb.ToString();

    public static string StringConcatenate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
        Func<T, string> func)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (T item in source)
        return sb.ToString();

    public static string StringConcatenate(this IEnumerable<string> source, string separator)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (string s in source)
        return sb.ToString();

    public static string StringConcatenate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
        Func<T, string> func, string separator)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (T item in source)
        return sb.ToString();

class Program
    public static string ParagraphText(XElement e)
        XNamespace w = e.Name.Namespace;
        return e
               .Elements(w + "r")
               .Elements(w + "t")
               .StringConcatenate(element => (string)element);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        const string fileName = "SampleDoc.docx";

        const string documentRelationshipType =
        const string stylesRelationshipType =
        const string wordmlNamespace =
        XNamespace w = wordmlNamespace;

        XDocument xDoc = null;
        XDocument styleDoc = null;

        using (Package wdPackage = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            PackageRelationship docPackageRelationship =
            if (docPackageRelationship != null)
                Uri documentUri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(new Uri("/", UriKind.Relative),
                PackagePart documentPart = wdPackage.GetPart(documentUri);

                //  Load the document XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
                xDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(documentPart.GetStream()));

                //  Find the styles part. There will only be one.
                PackageRelationship styleRelation =
                if (styleRelation != null)
                    Uri styleUri =
                      PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(documentUri, styleRelation.TargetUri);
                    PackagePart stylePart = wdPackage.GetPart(styleUri);

                    //  Load the style XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
                    styleDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(stylePart.GetStream()));

        string defaultStyle =
                from style in styleDoc.Root.Elements(w + "style")
                where (string)style.Attribute(w + "type") == "paragraph" &&
                      (string)style.Attribute(w + "default") == "1"
                select style
            ).First().Attribute(w + "styleId");

        // Find all paragraphs in the document.
        var paragraphs =
            from para in xDoc
                         .Element(w + "body")
                         .Descendants(w + "p")
            let styleNode = para
                            .Elements(w + "pPr")
                            .Elements(w + "pStyle")
            select new
                ParagraphNode = para,
                StyleName = styleNode != null ?
                    (string)styleNode.Attribute(w + "val") :

        // Retrieve the text of each paragraph.
        var paraWithText =
            from para in paragraphs
            select new
                ParagraphNode = para.ParagraphNode,
                StyleName = para.StyleName,
                Text = ParagraphText(para.ParagraphNode)

        // Following is the new query that retrieves all paragraphs
        // that have specific text in them.
        var helloParagraphs =
            from para in paraWithText
            where para.Text.Contains("Hello")
            select new
                ParagraphNode = para.ParagraphNode,
                StyleName = para.StyleName,
                Text = para.Text

        foreach (var p in helloParagraphs)
            Console.WriteLine("StyleName:{0} >{1}<", p.StyleName, p.Text);
Imports <xmlns:w="">

Module Module1
    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function StringConcatenate(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of String)) As String
        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        For Each s As String In source
        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
    ByVal func As Func(Of T, String)) As String
        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        For Each item As T In source
        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
    ByVal separator As String) As String
        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        For Each s As T In source
        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
    ByVal func As Func(Of T, String), ByVal separator As String) As String
        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        For Each item As T In source
        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    Public Function ParagraphText(ByVal e As XElement) As String
        Dim w As XNamespace = e.Name.Namespace
        Return (e.<w:r>.<w:t>).StringConcatenate(Function(element) CStr(element))
    End Function

    ' Following function is required because Visual Basic doesn't support short circuit evaluation
    Private Function GetStyleOfParagraph(ByVal styleNode As XElement, ByVal defaultStyle As String) As String
        If (styleNode Is Nothing) Then
            Return defaultStyle
            Return styleNode.@w:val
        End If
    End Function

    Sub Main()
        Dim fileName = "SampleDoc.docx"

        Dim documentRelationshipType = ""
        Dim stylesRelationshipType = ""
        Dim wordmlNamespace = ""
        Dim xDoc As XDocument = Nothing
        Dim styleDoc As XDocument = Nothing

        Using wdPackage As Package = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
            Dim docPackageRelationship As PackageRelationship = wdPackage.GetRelationshipsByType(documentRelationshipType).FirstOrDefault()
            If (docPackageRelationship IsNot Nothing) Then
                Dim documentUri As Uri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(New Uri("/", UriKind.Relative), docPackageRelationship.TargetUri)
                Dim documentPart As PackagePart = wdPackage.GetPart(documentUri)

                '  Load the document XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
                xDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(documentPart.GetStream()))

                '  Find the styles part. There will only be one.
                Dim styleRelation As PackageRelationship = documentPart.GetRelationshipsByType(stylesRelationshipType).FirstOrDefault()
                If (styleRelation IsNot Nothing) Then
                    Dim styleUri As Uri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(documentUri, styleRelation.TargetUri)
                    Dim stylePart As PackagePart = wdPackage.GetPart(styleUri)

                    '  Load the style XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
                    styleDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(stylePart.GetStream()))
                End If
            End If
        End Using

        Dim defaultStyle As String = _
            ( _
                From style In styleDoc.Root.<w:style> _
                Where style.@w:type = "paragraph" And _
                      style.@w:default = "1" _
                Select style _

        ' Find all paragraphs in the document.
        Dim paragraphs = _
            From para In xDoc.Root.<w:body>...<w:p> _
        Let styleNode As XElement = para.<w:pPr>.<w:pStyle>.FirstOrDefault _
        Select New With { _
            .ParagraphNode = para, _
            .StyleName = GetStyleOfParagraph(styleNode, defaultStyle) _

        ' Retrieve the text of each paragraph.
        Dim paraWithText = _
            From para In paragraphs _
            Select New With { _
                .ParagraphNode = para.ParagraphNode, _
                .StyleName = para.StyleName, _
                .Text = ParagraphText(para.ParagraphNode) _

        ' Following is the new query that retrieves all paragraphs
        ' that have specific text in them.
        Dim helloParagraphs = _
            From para In paraWithText _
            Where para.Text.Contains("Hello") _
            Select New With _
            { _
                .ParagraphNode = para.ParagraphNode, _
                .StyleName = para.StyleName, _
                .Text = para.Text _

        For Each p In helloParagraphs
            Console.WriteLine("StyleName:{0} >{1}<", p.StyleName, p.Text)
    End Sub
End Module

Dieses Beispiel erzeugt die folgende Ausgabe:

StyleName:Code >        Console.WriteLine("Hello World");<
StyleName:Code >Hello World<

Beispiel: Suchen aller Zeilen in einem WordProcessingML-Dokument mit einer bestimmten Formatvorlage

In diesem Beispiel wird die Abfrage so geändert, dass nach Zeilen einer bestimmten Formatvorlage gesucht wird. Es findet alle leeren Zeilen mit der Code Formatvorlage.

public static class LocalExtensions
    public static string StringConcatenate(this IEnumerable<string> source)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (string s in source)
        return sb.ToString();

    public static string StringConcatenate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
        Func<T, string> func)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (T item in source)
        return sb.ToString();

    public static string StringConcatenate(this IEnumerable<string> source, string separator)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (string s in source)
        return sb.ToString();

    public static string StringConcatenate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
        Func<T, string> func, string separator)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (T item in source)
        return sb.ToString();

class Program
    public static string ParagraphText(XElement e)
        XNamespace w = e.Name.Namespace;
        return e
               .Elements(w + "r")
               .Elements(w + "t")
               .StringConcatenate(element => (string)element);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        const string fileName = "SampleDoc.docx";

        const string documentRelationshipType = "";
        const string stylesRelationshipType = "";
        const string wordmlNamespace = "";
        XNamespace w = wordmlNamespace;

        XDocument xDoc = null;
        XDocument styleDoc = null;

        using (Package wdPackage = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            PackageRelationship docPackageRelationship = wdPackage.GetRelationshipsByType(documentRelationshipType).FirstOrDefault();
            if (docPackageRelationship != null)
                Uri documentUri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(new Uri("/", UriKind.Relative), docPackageRelationship.TargetUri);
                PackagePart documentPart = wdPackage.GetPart(documentUri);

                //  Load the document XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
                xDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(documentPart.GetStream()));

                //  Find the styles part. There will only be one.
                PackageRelationship styleRelation = documentPart.GetRelationshipsByType(stylesRelationshipType).FirstOrDefault();
                if (styleRelation != null)
                    Uri styleUri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(documentUri, styleRelation.TargetUri);
                    PackagePart stylePart = wdPackage.GetPart(styleUri);

                    //  Load the style XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
                    styleDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(stylePart.GetStream()));

        string defaultStyle =
                from style in styleDoc.Root.Elements(w + "style")
                where (string)style.Attribute(w + "type") == "paragraph" &&
                      (string)style.Attribute(w + "default") == "1"
                select style
            ).First().Attribute(w + "styleId");

        // Find all paragraphs in the document.
        var paragraphs =
            from para in xDoc
                         .Element(w + "body")
                         .Descendants(w + "p")
            let styleNode = para
                            .Elements(w + "pPr")
                            .Elements(w + "pStyle")
            select new
                ParagraphNode = para,
                StyleName = styleNode != null ?
                    (string)styleNode.Attribute(w + "val") :

        // Retrieve the text of each paragraph.
        var paraWithText =
            from para in paragraphs
            select new
                ParagraphNode = para.ParagraphNode,
                StyleName = para.StyleName,
                Text = ParagraphText(para.ParagraphNode)

        // Retrieve all paragraphs that have no text and are styled Code.
        var blankCodeParagraphs =
            from para in paraWithText
            where para.Text == "" && para.StyleName == "Code"
            select new
                ParagraphNode = para.ParagraphNode,
                StyleName = para.StyleName,
                Text = para.Text

        foreach (var p in blankCodeParagraphs)
            Console.WriteLine("StyleName:{0} >{1}<", p.StyleName, p.Text);
Imports System.IO.Packaging
Imports <xmlns:w="">

Module Module1
    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function StringConcatenate(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of String)) As String
        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        For Each s As String In source
        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
    ByVal func As Func(Of T, String)) As String
        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        For Each item As T In source
        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
    ByVal separator As String) As String
        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        For Each s As T In source
        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
    Public Function StringConcatenate(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
    ByVal func As Func(Of T, String), ByVal separator As String) As String
        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
        For Each item As T In source
        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    Public Function ParagraphText(ByVal e As XElement) As String
        Dim w As XNamespace = e.Name.Namespace
        Return (e.<w:r>.<w:t>).StringConcatenate(Function(element) CStr(element))
    End Function

    ' Following function is required because Visual Basic doesn't support short circuit evaluation
    Private Function GetStyleOfParagraph(ByVal styleNode As XElement, ByVal defaultStyle As String) As String
        If (styleNode Is Nothing) Then
            Return defaultStyle
            Return styleNode.@w:val
        End If
    End Function

    Sub Main()
        Dim fileName = "SampleDoc.docx"

        Dim documentRelationshipType = ""
        Dim stylesRelationshipType = ""
        Dim wordmlNamespace = ""
        Dim xDoc As XDocument = Nothing
        Dim styleDoc As XDocument = Nothing

        Using wdPackage As Package = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
            Dim docPackageRelationship As PackageRelationship = wdPackage.GetRelationshipsByType(documentRelationshipType).FirstOrDefault()
            If (docPackageRelationship IsNot Nothing) Then
                Dim documentUri As Uri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(New Uri("/", UriKind.Relative), docPackageRelationship.TargetUri)
                Dim documentPart As PackagePart = wdPackage.GetPart(documentUri)

                '  Load the document XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
                xDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(documentPart.GetStream()))

                '  Find the styles part. There will only be one.
                Dim styleRelation As PackageRelationship = documentPart.GetRelationshipsByType(stylesRelationshipType).FirstOrDefault()
                If (styleRelation IsNot Nothing) Then
                    Dim styleUri As Uri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(documentUri, styleRelation.TargetUri)
                    Dim stylePart As PackagePart = wdPackage.GetPart(styleUri)

                    '  Load the style XML in the part into an XDocument instance.
                    styleDoc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(stylePart.GetStream()))
                End If
            End If
        End Using

        Dim defaultStyle As String = _
            ( _
                From style In styleDoc.Root.<w:style> _
                Where style.@w:type = "paragraph" And _
                      style.@w:default = "1" _
                Select style _

        ' Find all paragraphs in the document.
        Dim paragraphs = _
            From para In xDoc.Root.<w:body>...<w:p> _
        Let styleNode As XElement = para.<w:pPr>.<w:pStyle>.FirstOrDefault _
        Select New With { _
            .ParagraphNode = para, _
            .StyleName = GetStyleOfParagraph(styleNode, defaultStyle) _

        ' Retrieve the text of each paragraph.
        Dim paraWithText = _
            From para In paragraphs _
            Select New With { _
                .ParagraphNode = para.ParagraphNode, _
                .StyleName = para.StyleName, _
                .Text = ParagraphText(para.ParagraphNode) _

        ' Retrieve all paragraphs that have no text and are styled Code.
        Dim blankCodeParagraphs = _
            From para In paraWithText _
            Where String.IsNullOrEmpty(para.Text) And para.StyleName.Equals("Code") _
            Select New With _
            { _
                .ParagraphNode = para.ParagraphNode, _
                .StyleName = para.StyleName, _
                .Text = para.Text _

        For Each p In blankCodeParagraphs
            Console.WriteLine("StyleName:{0} >{1}<", p.StyleName, p.Text)
    End Sub
End Module

Dieses Beispiel erzeugt die folgende Ausgabe:

StyleName:Code ><

Natürlich kann dieses Beispiel auf vielfältige Weise erweitert und angepasst werden. So ist es z. B. möglich, für die Suche nach Text reguläre Ausdrücke zu verwenden, alle Word-Dateien in einem bestimmten Verzeichnis zu durchlaufen usw.

In diesem Beispiel wird nahezu genauso ausgeführt, als ob es als einzelne Abfrage geschrieben wurde. Da die Abfragen mit verzögerter Auswertung implementiert werden, geben sie ihre Ergebnisse auch erst dann zurück, wenn sie die Iteration durchlaufen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Verzögerte Ausführung und faule Auswertung.

Der nächste Abschnitt enthält Details zu WordprocessingML-Dokumenten:

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