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Initializes the object instance.


void initialize(  
    uint32_t maxChatUserCount,  
    float defaultAudioRenderVolume= 1.0f,  
    game_chat_communication_relationship_flags defaultLocalToRemoteCommunicationRelationship= game_chat_communication_relationship_flags none,  
    game_chat_shared_device_communication_relationship_resolution_mode sharedDeviceResolutionMode= game_chat_shared_device_communication_relationship_resolution_mode permissive,  
    game_chat_speech_to_text_conversion_mode speechToTextConversionMode= game_chat_speech_to_text_conversion_mode automatic,  
    game_chat_audio_manipulation_mode_flags audioManipulationMode= game_chat_audio_manipulation_mode_flags none  


maxChatUserCount   _In_
Type: uint32_t

The maximum total number of local and remote users that will be added to the local chat_manager instance at any given time. Game Chat pre-allocates memory proportional to the number of users.

defaultAudioRenderVolume   _In_range_(0,1)
Type: float

The audio render volume that will be used for new users.

defaultLocalToRemoteCommunicationRelationship   _In_
Type: game_chat_communication_relationship_flags

The default communication relationship that will be used between local and remote users. I.e. when a remote user joins, this will be the default relationship used between all existing local users and that remote user. When a local user joins, this will be the default relationship between that local user and all existing remote users.

sharedDeviceResolutionMode   _In_
Type: game_chat_shared_device_communication_relationship_resolution_mode

The resolution mode used for users on a shared device who have conflicting communication relationships.

speechToTextConversionMode   _In_
Type: game_chat_speech_to_text_conversion_mode

Configures the speech-to-text conversion mode.

audioManipulationMode   _In_
Type: game_chat_audio_manipulation_mode_flags

Passing this param as game_chat_audio_manipulation_mode_flags::none allows audio to flow through Game Chat uninterrupted. Passing this param with the game_chat_audio_manipulation_mode_flags::pre_encode_stream_manipulation bit set grants access to chat user audio data for processing and manipulation on the sender-side. Access to the audio data is enabled through the use of the pre_encode_audio_stream objects. These objects can be queried for using the chat_manager::get_pre_encode_audio_streams method. When Game Chat creates, closes, and destroys pre_encode_audio_stream objects, corresponding game_chat_stream_state_change events will be generated. Passing this param with the game_chat_audio_manipulation_mode_flags::post_decode_stream_manipulation bit set grants access to chat user audio data for processing and manipulation on the receiver-side. Access to the audio data is enabled through the use of the post_decode_audio_source_stream and post_decode_audio_sink_stream objects. These objects can be queried for using the chat_manager::get_post_decode_audio_source_streams and chat_manager::get_post_decode_audio_sink_streams methods. When Game Chat creates, closes, and destroys post_decode_audio_source_stream and post_decode_audio_sink_stream objects, corresponding game_chat_stream_state_change events will be generated.

Return value

Type: void


This must be called before any other method, aside from the static methods chat_manager::singleton_instance(), chat_manager::set_memory_callbacks(), chat_manager::get_memory_callbacks(), chat_manager::set_thread_processor(), and chat_manager::get_thread_processor(). chat_manager::initialize() cannot be called again without a subsequent chat_manager::cleanup() call.

Every call to chat_manager::initialize() should have a corresponding chat_manager::cleanup() call.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
