
Set up meeting exclusions


This article is for the legacy Workplace Analytics app and does not reflect functionality available on the updated Viva Insights platform. Access current documentation for Viva Insights advanced insights here: advanced insights documentation.

The following describes who does what to initially set up meeting exclusion rules:

  • Owner - Microsoft Viva Insights administrator, data analysts with full access
  • Task - Set meeting exclusion rules to reflect your company's meeting norms and exclude meetings that are not relevant for analysis.
  • Outcome - Viva Insights administrators and analysts are satisfied that meeting query results are focused on the data relevant for analysis.

Viva Insights uses activities stored in a person’s Microsoft 365 email and calendar to reveal internal and external collaboration trends. However, a person’s calendar and email can contain a diverse set of activities (such as personal meetings, work-related social activities, all-day training meetings, and so forth) that are not relevant to work-related collaboration, and if included in the metrics, can skew query results.

Analysts can use the Meeting exclusions feature to create custom meeting exclusions that help ensure query results accurately represent relevant meeting norms within their company. Or, analysts may choose to use the default meeting exclusions that exclude a set of meetings that would commonly fall outside relevant collaboration for analysis.

Meeting exclusion rules