Benennen eines Arbeitsblatts mithilfe eines Zellenwerts

In diesem Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie sie ein Arbeitsblatt mithilfe des Werts in Zelle A1 auf diesem Blatt benennen. In diesem Beispiel wird überprüft, ob der Wert in Zelle A1 ein gültiger Arbeitsblattname ist. Wenn es sich um einen gültigen Namen handelt, wird das aktive Arbeitsblatt mithilfe der Name-Eigenschaft des Worksheet-Objekts in den Wert der Zelle A1 umbenannt.

Beispielcode bereitgestellt von: Tom Urtis, Atlas Programming Management

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Specify the target cell whose entry shall be the sheet tab name.
    If Target.Address <> "$A$1" Then Exit Sub
        'If the target cell is empty (contents cleared) then don't change the sheet name
    If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub

    'If the length of the target cell's entry is greater than 31 characters, disallow the entry.
    If Len(Target.Value) > 31 Then
        MsgBox "Worksheet tab names cannot be greater than 31 characters in length." & vbCrLf & _
        "You entered " & Target.Value & ", which has " & Len(Target.Value) & " characters.", , "Keep it under 31 characters"
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'Sheet tab names cannot contain the characters /, \, [, ], *, ?, or :.
    'Verify that none of these characters are present in the cell's entry.
    Dim IllegalCharacter(1 To 7) As String, i As Integer
    IllegalCharacter(1) = "/"
    IllegalCharacter(2) = "\"
    IllegalCharacter(3) = "["
    IllegalCharacter(4) = "]"
    IllegalCharacter(5) = "*"
    IllegalCharacter(6) = "?"
    IllegalCharacter(7) = ":"
    For i = 1 To 7
        If InStr(Target.Value, (IllegalCharacter(i))) > 0 Then
            MsgBox "You used a character that violates sheet naming rules." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
            "Please re-enter a sheet name without the ''" & IllegalCharacter(i) & "'' character.", 48, "Not a possible sheet name !!"
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            Application.EnableEvents = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Next i

    'Verify that the proposed sheet name does not already exist in the workbook.
    Dim strSheetName As String, wks As Worksheet, bln As Boolean
    strSheetName = Trim(Target.Value)
    On Error Resume Next
    Set wks = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(strSheetName)
    On Error Resume Next
    If Not wks Is Nothing Then
        bln = True
        bln = False
    End If

    'If the worksheet name does not already exist, name the active sheet as the target cell value.
    'Otherwise, advise the user that duplicate sheet names are not allowed.
    If bln = False Then
        ActiveSheet.Name = strSheetName
        MsgBox "There is already a sheet named " & strSheetName & "." & vbCrLf & _
        "Please enter a unique name for this sheet."
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End If

End Sub

Über den Autor

MVP Tom Urtis ist Gründer von Atlas Programming Management, einem im Silicon Valley ansässigen Full-Service-Unternehmen, das Microsoft Office- und Excel-Unternehmenslösungen entwickelt. Tom Urtis hat mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung in Unternehmensführung und der Entwicklung von Microsoft Office-Anwendungen und ist Mitautor von „Holy Macros! It's 2,500 Excel VBA Examples“.

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