Graphics.TransformPoints Method


Transforms an array of points from one coordinate space to another using the current world and page transformations of this Graphics.


TransformPoints(CoordinateSpace, CoordinateSpace, Point[])

Transforms an array of points from one coordinate space to another using the current world and page transformations of this Graphics.

TransformPoints(CoordinateSpace, CoordinateSpace, PointF[])

Transforms an array of points from one coordinate space to another using the current world and page transformations of this Graphics.

TransformPoints(CoordinateSpace, CoordinateSpace, Point[])


Transforms an array of points from one coordinate space to another using the current world and page transformations of this Graphics.

 void TransformPoints(System::Drawing::Drawing2D::CoordinateSpace destSpace, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::CoordinateSpace srcSpace, cli::array <System::Drawing::Point> ^ pts);
public void TransformPoints (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace destSpace, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace srcSpace, System.Drawing.Point[] pts);
member this.TransformPoints : System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace * System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace * System.Drawing.Point[] -> unit
Public Sub TransformPoints (destSpace As CoordinateSpace, srcSpace As CoordinateSpace, pts As Point())



Member of the CoordinateSpace enumeration that specifies the destination coordinate space.


Member of the CoordinateSpace enumeration that specifies the source coordinate space.


Array of Point structures that represents the points to transformation.


The following code example is designed for use with Windows Forms, and it requires PaintEventArgs e, which is a parameter of the Paint event handler. The code performs the following actions:

  • Creates two points and draws a blue line between them.

  • Sets the world transform to translate by amounts 40 in the x direction and 30 in the y direction.

  • Transforms the points from world coordinates (World) to page coordinates (Page).

  • Resets the world transformation to the identity.

  • Draws a red line between the transformed points.

The result is a blue line and a translated red line below it.

   void TransformPointsPoint( PaintEventArgs^ e )
      // Create array of two points.
      array<Point>^ points = {Point(0,0),Point(100,50)};

      // Draw line connecting two untransformed points.
      e->Graphics->DrawLine( gcnew Pen( Color::Blue,3.0f ), points[ 0 ], points[ 1 ] );

      // Set world transformation of Graphics object to translate.
      e->Graphics->TranslateTransform( 40, 30 );

      // Transform points in array from world to page coordinates.
      e->Graphics->TransformPoints( CoordinateSpace::Page, CoordinateSpace::World, points );

      // Reset world transformation.

      // Draw line that connects transformed points.
      e->Graphics->DrawLine( gcnew Pen( Color::Red,3.0f ), points[ 0 ], points[ 1 ] );
private void TransformPointsPoint(PaintEventArgs e)

    // Create array of two points.
    Point[] points = { new Point(0, 0), new Point(100, 50) };

    // Draw line connecting two untransformed points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Blue, 3), points[0], points[1]);

    // Set world transformation of Graphics object to translate.
    e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(40, 30);

    // Transform points in array from world to page coordinates.
    e.Graphics.TransformPoints(CoordinateSpace.Page, CoordinateSpace.World, points);

    // Reset world transformation.

    // Draw line that connects transformed points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red, 3), points[0], points[1]);
Private Sub TransformPointsPoint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

    ' Create array of two points.
    Dim points As Point() = {New Point(0, 0), New Point(100, 50)}

    ' Draw line connecting two untransformed points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue, 3), points(0), points(1))

    ' Set world transformation of Graphics object to translate.
    e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(40, 30)

    ' Transform points in array from world to page coordinates.
    e.Graphics.TransformPoints(CoordinateSpace.Page, _
    CoordinateSpace.World, points)

    ' Reset world transformation.

    ' Draw line that connects transformed points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 3), points(0), points(1))
End Sub

Applies to

TransformPoints(CoordinateSpace, CoordinateSpace, PointF[])


Transforms an array of points from one coordinate space to another using the current world and page transformations of this Graphics.

 void TransformPoints(System::Drawing::Drawing2D::CoordinateSpace destSpace, System::Drawing::Drawing2D::CoordinateSpace srcSpace, cli::array <System::Drawing::PointF> ^ pts);
public void TransformPoints (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace destSpace, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace srcSpace, System.Drawing.PointF[] pts);
member this.TransformPoints : System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace * System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CoordinateSpace * System.Drawing.PointF[] -> unit
Public Sub TransformPoints (destSpace As CoordinateSpace, srcSpace As CoordinateSpace, pts As PointF())



Member of the CoordinateSpace enumeration that specifies the destination coordinate space.


Member of the CoordinateSpace enumeration that specifies the source coordinate space.


Array of PointF structures that represent the points to transform.


The following code example is designed for use with Windows Forms, and it requires PaintEventArgs e, which is a parameter of the Paint event handler. The code performs the following actions:

  • Creates two points and draws a blue line between them.

  • Sets the world transform to translate by amounts 40 in the x direction and 30 in the y direction.

  • Transforms the points from world coordinates (World) to page coordinates (Page).

  • Resets the world transformation to the identity and draws a red line between the transformed points.

The result is a blue line and a translated red line below it.

   void TransformPointsPointF( PaintEventArgs^ e )
      // Create array of two points.
      array<PointF>^ points = {PointF(0.0F,0.0F),PointF(100.0F,50.0F)};

      // Draw line connecting two untransformed points.
      e->Graphics->DrawLine( gcnew Pen( Color::Blue,3.0f ), points[ 0 ], points[ 1 ] );

      // Set world transformation of Graphics object to translate.
      e->Graphics->TranslateTransform( 40.0F, 30.0F );

      // Transform points in array from world to page coordinates.
      e->Graphics->TransformPoints( CoordinateSpace::Page, CoordinateSpace::World, points );

      // Reset world transformation.

      // Draw line that connects transformed points.
      e->Graphics->DrawLine( gcnew Pen( Color::Red,3.0f ), points[ 0 ], points[ 1 ] );
private void TransformPointsPointF(PaintEventArgs e)

    // Create array of two points.
    PointF[] points = { new PointF(0.0F, 0.0F), new PointF(100.0F, 50.0F) };

    // Draw line connecting two untransformed points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Blue, 3), points[0], points[1]);

    // Set world transformation of Graphics object to translate.
    e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(40.0F, 30.0F);

    // Transform points in array from world to page coordinates.
    e.Graphics.TransformPoints(CoordinateSpace.Page, CoordinateSpace.World, points);

    // Reset world transformation.

    // Draw line that connects transformed points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red, 3), points[0], points[1]);
Private Sub TransformPointsPointF(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

    ' Create array of two points.
    Dim points As PointF() = {New PointF(0.0F, 0.0F), New PointF(100.0F, _

    ' Draw line connecting two untransformed points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue, 3), points(0), points(1))

    ' Set world transformation of Graphics object to translate.
    e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(40.0F, 30.0F)

    ' Transform points in array from world to page coordinates.
    e.Graphics.TransformPoints(CoordinateSpace.Page, _
    CoordinateSpace.World, points)

    ' Reset world transformation.

    ' Draw line that connects transformed points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 3), points(0), points(1))
End Sub

Applies to