XmlSiteMapProvider.Dispose Method


Notifies the file monitor of the Web.sitemap file that the XmlSiteMapProvider object no longer requires the file to be monitored.



Notifies the file monitor of the Web.sitemap file that the XmlSiteMapProvider object no longer requires the file to be monitored.


Notifies the file monitor of the Web.sitemap file that the XmlSiteMapProvider object no longer requires the file to be monitored. The Dispose(Boolean) method takes a Boolean parameter indicating whether the method is called by user code.


Notifies the file monitor of the Web.sitemap file that the XmlSiteMapProvider object no longer requires the file to be monitored.

 virtual void Dispose();
public void Dispose ();
abstract member Dispose : unit -> unit
override this.Dispose : unit -> unit
Public Sub Dispose ()



The XmlSiteMapProvider class implements the Dispose method of the IDisposable interface to release its associated file monitor when the site map file is unloaded from memory. This overload of the Dispose method calls the overload that takes a Boolean parameter and sets the value to true.

Applies to


Notifies the file monitor of the Web.sitemap file that the XmlSiteMapProvider object no longer requires the file to be monitored. The Dispose(Boolean) method takes a Boolean parameter indicating whether the method is called by user code.

 virtual void Dispose(bool disposing);
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
abstract member Dispose : bool -> unit
override this.Dispose : bool -> unit
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose (disposing As Boolean)



true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.


The Dispose method returns true if the Dispose method is called by user code. Otherwise it returns false, if the Dispose method is called by the finalizer thread during run time.

See also

Applies to