Protect the Business Central Server against excessive background sessions for an environment


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Oct 1, 2021 Oct 1, 2021

Business value

Having a system protection limit on the creation of sessions started from AL code will make the Business Central Server and service more stable. Cases where one environment starts a lot of sessions won't affect the stability of other environments running on the same server (or even the environment that started the sessions).

Feature details

The Business Central Server can process multiple background sessions simultaneously. Similar to child sessions, the Business Central Server is protected against an excessive number of background sessions for an environment. Excess background sessions can be sent to a queue for processing when a time slot becomes available. To control the background sessions, the Business Central Server now includes the following configuration settings, which are set on a per-environment basis:

  • The maximum number of background sessions that the server instance can actively process at the same time.
  • The maximum number of background sessions that can be waiting in the queue for processing.
  • The maximum amount of time that background sessions will wait in the queue for processing.

See also

Asynchronous Processing Settings (docs)