Microsoft Intune classic groups in the Azure portal

We've heard your feedback and have made changes to how you work with groups in Microsoft Intune. If you are using Intune from the Azure portal, your Intune groups have been migrated to Microsoft Entra security groups.

The benefit to you is that you now use the same groups experience across all of your Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Microsoft Entra apps. Additionally, you can use PowerShell and Graph API to extend and customize this new functionality.

Microsoft Entra security groups support all types of Intune deployments to both users and devices. Additionally, you can use Microsoft Entra dynamic groups that automatically update based on the attributes you supply. For example, you could create a group of devices that run iOS 9. Whenever a device running iOS 9 enrolls, the device automatically appears in the dynamic group.

What is not available?

Some of the Intune groups capabilities you previously might have used are not available in Microsoft Entra ID:

  • The Ungrouped Users and Ungrouped Devices Intune groups are no longer available.

  • The option to Exclude specific members from a group does not exist in the Azure portal. You can, however, use a Microsoft Entra security group with advanced rules to replicate this behavior. For example, to create an advanced rule that includes all people in your Sales department in a security group, but excludes those groups with the word "Assistant" in their title, you could use this advanced rule:

    (user.department -eq "Sales") -and -not (user.jobTitle -contains "Assistant").

  • The All Exchange ActiveSync Managed Devices group in the Intune classic console was not migrated to Microsoft Entra ID. You can, however, still access information about EAS-managed devices from the Azure portal.

How to get started?

What happened to Intune groups?

When groups are migrated from the Azure portal to Intune in the Azure portal, the following rules are applied:

Groups in Intune Groups in Microsoft Entra ID
Static user group Static Microsoft Entra security group
Dynamic user group Static Microsoft Entra security groups with a Microsoft Entra security group hierarchy
Static device group Static Microsoft Entra security group
Dynamic device group Dynamic Microsoft Entra security group
A group with an include condition Static Microsoft Entra security group containing any static or dynamic members from the include condition in Intune
A group with an exclude condition Not migrated
The built-in groups:
- All Users
- Ungrouped Users
- All Devices
- Ungrouped devices
- All Computers
- All Mobile Devices
- All-MDM managed devices
- All EAS-managed devices
Microsoft Entra security groups

Group hierarchy

In the Intune console, all groups had a parent group. Groups could only contain members of their parent group. In Microsoft Entra ID, child groups can contain members not in their parent group.

Group attributes

Attributes are device properties that may be used in defining groups. This table describes how those criteria migrate to Microsoft Entra security groups.

Attribute in Intune Attribute in Microsoft Entra ID
Organizational Unit (OU) attribute for device groups OU attribute for dynamic groups.
Domain name attribute for device groups Domain Name attribute for dynamic groups.
Security group as an attribute for user groups Groups cannot be attributes in Microsoft Entra dynamic queries. Dynamic groups can only contain user or device-specific attributes.
Manager attribute for user groups Advanced Rule for manager attribute in dynamic groups
All users from the parent user group Static group with that group as a member
All mobile devices from the parent device group Static group with that group as a member
All mobile devices managed by Intune Management Type attribute with 'MDM' as value for dynamic group
Nested groups within static groups Nested groups within static groups
Nested groups within dynamic groups Dynamic group with one level of nesting

What happens to policies and apps you previously deployed?

Policies and apps continue to be deployed to groups, just like before. However, you now manage these groups from the Azure portal, instead of the Intune console.