Error while Running Predict Function in Synapse Studio

Sneha Sheshadri 1 Reputation point

Getting an error Incorrect Syntax near 'Model' while running the Prediction function in T-SQL statement. The below query was tried on Azure Synapse Studio as well SSMS and did not work

DECLARE @modelvarbinary(max) = (SELECT Model FROM [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel] WHERE Id = (SELECT Top(1) max(ID)
FROM [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel]));

Select d.,p. from PREDICT(MODEL=@model,DATA=[wwi_mcw].[ProductPCA]as d) WITH(prediction real)as p;

GitHub link Referenced for the above example:

Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics
An Azure analytics service that brings together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics. Previously known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
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  1. HimanshuSinha-msft 19,381 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello @SnehaSheshadri-7717,

    Thanks for the question and also for using this forum.

    On a very quick glance I can see the issue with the line

    DECLARE @modelvarbinary(max) = (SELECT Model FROM [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel] WHERE Id = (SELECT Top(1) max(ID)
    FROM [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel]));

    It should be ( please beware that there is a space between @model & varbinary )

    DECLARE @model varbinary(max) = (SELECT Model FROM [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel] WHERE Id = (SELECT Top(1) max(ID)
    FROM [wwi_mcw].[ASAMCWMLModel]));

    Please do let em know how it goes .

    Thanks & stay safe
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