Create an Azure support ticket in Azure CLI

The Azure CLI enables you to create and manage Azure support tickets.

  • Open a technical, billing, subscription management, or subscription and service limits (quota) support ticket.
  • Get a list of support tickets and detailed information about each ticket. Narrow your search for support tickets by status or created date.
  • Update severity, ticket status, and contact information for a support ticket.
  • Add a new communication to a support ticket or get a list of all communications for a support ticket. Narrow your search of communication lists by created date or communication type.

To create a support request, you must be an Owner or Contributor, or be assigned to the Support Request Contributor role at the subscription level. To create a support request without a subscription, such as a Microsoft Entra scenario, you must be an Admin.


Create a support ticket

  1. To obtain a list of services, use the az support services list command:

    az support services list --output table

    For this example, find the value for Virtual Machine running Windows, which is 6f16735c-b0ae-b275-ad3a-03479cfa1396.

  2. To get the problem type and problem subtype that describes your problem, run the az support services problem-classifications list command:

    az support services problem-classifications list --service-name 6f16735c-b0ae-b275-ad3a-03479cfa1396 --output table

    For this example, find Cannot connect to my VM / I have an issue with my public IP. That type has a value of e5c307e3-50ff-5dc9-c8ae-7d35051f88c9.

  3. Create a ticket by using the az support tickets create command:

    az support tickets create --ticket-name "VM012" --title "Issue with public IP" \
       --description "This ticket involves a public IP address of a VM." \
       --problem-classification e5c307e3-50ff-5dc9-c8ae-7d35051f88c9 \
       --severity minimal --contact-first-name Kenneth --contact-last-name Liew \
       --contact-method email --contact-email \
       --contact-country US --contact-language English --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time"

A support engineer will contact you using the method you indicated. For information about initial response times, see Support scope and responsiveness.

Manage support tickets

The Azure CLI enables you to perform support ticket management using various commands. To see your Azure support tickets for your current subscription, run the az support tickets list command:

az support tickets list

To see Azure support tickets in another subscription, run the az account set command to change your current subscription, and then run the command.

You can also update a ticket by using the az support tickets update command:

az support tickets update --ticket-name VM012 --severity moderate

Communicate about your ticket

You can't delete a support ticket created by using Azure CLI. Instead, send a message to close a ticket. If you need to reopen a closed support request, create a new message, which automatically reopens the request.

To communicate about your ticket, run the az support tickets communications create command:

az support tickets communications create --ticket-name VM012 \
    --communication-name "VM Delay" \
    --communication-body "Delaying VM fixes due to scheduling on our end." \
    --communication-subject "Delaying VM fixes due to scheduling on our end."

To see all the communications for a ticket, use the az support tickets communications list command:

az support tickets communications list --ticket-name VM012

This command offers a --filters parameter to narrow your responses.

az support tickets communications list --ticket-name VM012 \
    --filters "communicationType eq 'Web'"

Next steps