Delete extension data


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Aug 1, 2020 Oct 1, 2020

Business value

We receive a number of support requests to delete extension data in production or sandboxes, either because an application is not in use or, more commonly, because there is a desire to reinstall it from scratch without data—for example, after testing or trial.

Feature details

On the Extension Management page, when you select an extension and choose to uninstall it, we have added a new Delete Extension Data option in the uninstall dialog box.

If you select this option, and confirm both at selection and subsequently on selecting Uninstall that you understand that data will be deleted, the service will delete all data owned by the extension. This is equivalent to invoking Sync-NavApp with the "clean" mode.

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See also

Installing and Uninstalling Extensions in Business Central (docs)