Schedule data update of application features enabled through Feature Management


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 8, 2020 Oct 1, 2020

Business value

Uptaking application features that change the user experience can be a disruptive process, and businesses often want to do that in their own pace. Administrators can now enable application features per company, and after users have been trained for the new experiences, thus avoiding disruption in daily business.

Feature details

When enabling features that require data update on the Feature Management page, administrators can schedule a data update by choosing Schedule in the Data Update action group. This also happens when an administrator chooses All Users in the Enable for column.

Scheduling a data update for enabled features starts the Feature Data Update setup guide, which allows administrators to review affected data and schedule the data update process. For features that require data update, when the data update process is completed the feature is enabled in the company where the data update was run.

Feature Management page with Schedule action

Feature Data Update wizard

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See also

Enabling Upcoming Features Ahead of Time (docs)