Get data about how well your customers and Azure subscriptions are doing

Appropriate roles: Global admin | User management admin | Admin agent | Sales agent

Data drives business decisions. Use the metrics on the Azure usage page to identify your successes and areas that need more attention. Use this information as you plan new business goals.

To use Azure usage analytics, use the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Insights.
  2. Select Azure usage.


Azure usage analytics is available only for partners in the Cloud Solution Provider program.

Track Azure usage metrics

Using Azure usage analytics, you can track the following metrics:

  • Summary

    • Total Azure subscriptions sold: Number of subscriptions sold in the specified time period
    • Customers with usage: Number of customers with Azure usage in the specified time period
    • Customers without usage: Number of customers without Azure usage in the specified time period

    Screenshot of Azure usage summary subscriptions sold.

  • Top five customers

    • The top five customers for the specified category

    Screenshot of Azure usage top five customers.

  • Azure subscriptions at risk

    • Predicted churn risk to Azure subscriptions; can be used by partners to engage with customers and minimize churn

    Screenshot of Azure usage churn risk.

  • Subscriptions without usage

    • List of specific subscriptions without Azure usage in the specified time period
  • Azure subscription churn

    • Active subscriptions: Count of active subscriptions by date
    • Deprovisioned subscriptions: Count of subscriptions deprovisioned or suspended by date

    Screenshot of Azure subscription churn.

  • Customer count

    • New customers acquired during the specified time period
  • Azure subscription retention

    • The number of subscriptions that were renewed

    Screenshot of Azure subscription status.

Next steps