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Use geographic boundaries to filter results from the Bing Local Business Search API


On October 30, 2020, the Bing Search APIs moved from Azure AI services to Bing Search Services. This documentation is provided for reference only. For updated documentation, see the Bing search API documentation. For instructions on creating new Azure resources for Bing search, see Create a Bing Search resource through the Azure Marketplace.

The Bing Local Business Search API enables you to set boundaries on the specific geographic area you'd like to search by using the localCircularView or localMapView query parameters. Be sure to use only one parameter in your queries.

If a search term contains an explicit geographic location, The Bing Local Business API will automatically use it to set boundaries for the search results. For example, if the search term is sailing in San Diego, then San Diego will be used as the location and any other specified locations in the query parameters or user headers will be ignored.

If a geographic location isn't detected in the search term, and no geographic location is specified using the query parameters, The Bing Local Business Search API will attempt to determine location from the request's X-Search-ClientIP or X-Search-Location headers. If neither header is specified, The API will determine location from either the client IP of the request, or GPS coordinates for mobile devices.


The localCircularView parameter creates a circular geographic area around a set of latitude/longitude coordinates, defined by a radius. When using this parameter, responses from the Bing Local Business Search API will only include locations within this circle, unlike the localMapView parameter which may include locations slightly outside the search area.

To specify a circular geographic search area, pick a latitude and longitude to serve as the center of the circle, and a radius in meters. This parameter can then be appended to a query string, for example: q=Restaurants&localCircularView=47.6421,-122.13715,5000.

Complete query:,-122.13715,5000&appid=0123456789ABCDEF&mkt=en-us&form=monitr


The localMapView parameter specifies a rectangular geographic area to search, using two sets of coordinates to specify its southeast and northwest corners. When using this parameter, responses from the Bing Local Business Search API may include locations within and just outside the specified area, unlike the localCircularView parameter, which only includes locations within the search area.

To specify a rectangular search area, pick two sets of latitude/longitude coordinates to serve as the southeast and northwest corners of the boundary. Be sure to define the southeast coordinates first, as in the following example: localMapView=47.619987,-122.181671,47.6421,-122.13715.

Complete query:,-122.181671,47.6421,-122.13715&appid=0123456789ABCDEF&mkt=en-us&form=monitr

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