HebrewCalendar.GetLeapMonth(Int32, Int32) Method


Calculates the leap month for a specified year and era.

 override int GetLeapMonth(int year, int era);
public override int GetLeapMonth (int year, int era);
override this.GetLeapMonth : int * int -> int
Public Overrides Function GetLeapMonth (year As Integer, era As Integer) As Integer



A year.


An era. Specify either HebrewEra or HebrewCalendar.Eras[Calendar.CurrentEra].


A positive integer that indicates the leap month in the specified year and era. The return value is 7 if the year and era parameters specify a leap year, or 0 if the year is not a leap year.


era is not HebrewEra or HebrewCalendar.Eras[Calendar.CurrentEra].


year is less than the Hebrew calendar year 5343 or greater than the Hebrew calendar year 5999.


In a calendar that supports the notion of a leap month, the leap month can occur either after a particular month or after any month in a year. For example, the GetMonth method returns a number between 1 and 13 that indicates the month associated with a specified date. If there is a leap month between the eighth and ninth months of the year, the GetMonth method returns 8 for the eighth month, 9 for the leap eighth month, and 10 for the ninth month.

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