XNodeEqualityComparer.Equals(XNode, XNode) Method


Compares the values of two nodes.

 virtual bool Equals(System::Xml::Linq::XNode ^ x, System::Xml::Linq::XNode ^ y);
public bool Equals (System.Xml.Linq.XNode x, System.Xml.Linq.XNode y);
public bool Equals (System.Xml.Linq.XNode? x, System.Xml.Linq.XNode? y);
override this.Equals : System.Xml.Linq.XNode * System.Xml.Linq.XNode -> bool
Public Function Equals (x As XNode, y As XNode) As Boolean



The first XNode to compare.


The second XNode to compare.


A Boolean indicating if the nodes are equal.



The following example uses this class to compare two nodes.

XElement xmlTree1 = new XElement("Root",  
    new XAttribute("Att1", 1),  
    new XAttribute("Att2", 2),  
    new XElement("Child1", 1),  
    new XElement("Child2", "some content")  
XElement xmlTree2 = new XElement("Root",  
    new XAttribute("Att1", 1),  
    new XAttribute("Att2", 2),  
    new XElement("Child1", 1),  
    new XElement("Child2", "some content")  
XNodeEqualityComparer equalityComparer = new XNodeEqualityComparer();  
Console.WriteLine(equalityComparer.Equals(xmlTree1, xmlTree2));  
xmlTree2.Add(new XElement("NewChild", "new content"));  
Console.WriteLine(equalityComparer.Equals(xmlTree1, xmlTree2));  

This example produces the following output:



The following criteria determine whether two nodes are equal:

  • A null node is equal to another null node but unequal to a non-null node.

  • Two XNode objects of different types are never equal.

  • Two XText nodes are equal if they contain the same text.

  • Two XElement nodes are equal if they have the same tag name, the same set of attributes with the same values, and (ignoring comments and processing instructions), contain two equal-length sequences of pairwise equal content nodes.

  • Two XDocument objects are equal if their root nodes are equal.

  • Two XComment nodes are equal if they contain the same comment text.

  • Two XProcessingInstruction nodes are equal if they have the same target and data.

  • Two XDocumentType nodes are equal if the have the same name, public ID, system ID, and internal subset.

Applies to

See also