Personalize actions on your Role Center


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
End users, automatically This feature is released. Aug 1, 2019 This feature is released. Oct 1, 2019

Business value

Business Central is ready to adapt to the unique needs of each business, department, and user. Desktop users are fully empowered to optimize their workspace to support their daily tasks and the most common data that they work with.

Feature details

Personalizing the navigation menu includes:

  • Moving menu links to another position within the same group or a different group or subgroup.

  • Moving menu groups to another position.

  • Hiding menu links or entire groups.

  • Clearing your personalization, effectively returning the Role Center to its original navigation menu layout.

    Personalizing the navigation menu

Personalizing Role Center actions includes:

  • Moving actions to another position within the same or different group.

  • Moving action groups to another position.

  • Hiding actions or entire groups of actions.

  • Clearing action personalization, effectively returning the Role Center to its original action layout.

    Personalizing the action menu

As with all other personalization, the changes are effective immediately and roam with the user, no matter which device they sign in to.


When Business Central 2019 release wave 2 is deployed on-premises, all new personalization features are enabled by default. Personalization is no longer an opt-in feature, and is now fully aligned across online and on-premises experiences.

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See also

Personalize Your Workspace (docs)