Use shortcut dimensions in G/L entries for financial reporting


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Dec 16, 2020 Jan 11, 2021

Business value

Because Excel is still the tool of choice for most accountants and finance professionals, it's important that all dimension attributes are available across application for easy ad hoc analysis in Excel, and for filtering data in Business Central.

Feature details

You can specify shortcut dimensions on the General Ledger Setup page so that you can filter entries pages, such as general ledger entries, customer or vendor ledger entries, and many others, using the dimension value. For example, if you add Area as a shortcut dimension, you'll be able to filter general ledger entries by area. To enable this, add a newly created dimension—for example, Area—as a shortcut dimension in the Dimensions FastTab on the General Ledger Setup page.

Additionally, you can now export data from these columns to Excel for easy ad hoc analysis of entries, such as general ledger entries, customer or vendor ledger entries, and many others—for example, by creating pivot tables.

General Ledger Setup page's Dimension FastTab with Shortcut Dimension 3 set

General Ledger Entries page with additional Shortcut Dimension column

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See also

Working with Dimensions (docs)