Compile against installed AppSource apps


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To increase stability of the environment operations, such as upgrade, copying, restore, lowering support impact both on partners and Microsoft, compilation should be done against the AppSource apps versions that are actually installed for the environment, not against the latest available version of those apps on AppSource.

Feature details

Sometimes compilation on environment operations such as upgrade, copying a sandbox from production, or AppSource app install fails due to unexpected application incompatibility. The underlying cause for this has been that compilation has been done against the latest version of the AppSource app, even if the actual tenant or environment has a lower version installed. The end result would depend on the existence of breaking changes in these AppSource apps, and which versions are actually installed, but could lead to compilation failures.

To increase stability of the environment operation, and lowering support impact both on partners and Microsoft, compilation will now be done against the actually installed AppSource apps.

In the future, if the users experience issues with any environment operation, they can find the details of the failure in Business Central admin center, on the Environment Operations page.

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