

Modern businesses run on multiple applications and services. How well your business runs can often be impacted by how efficiently you can distribute the right data to the right task. Automating this flow of data can streamline your business even further. Choosing the right technology for these critical data integrations and process automation is also an important consideration.

Suppose you're a developer at a company that operates a bike rental system at a large state university. Your company recently acquired the rights to operate at another university in the next state.

The other university also has rental systems in place. You'll need to integrate with those existing systems too. The systems include bike tracking, inventory management, rental scheme registration, and more.

It's June and the university would like to have the rental system in place before students arrive on campus in late August. Your business runs on Azure and a requirement of this integration is that you don't take on any infrastructure maintenance or heavy upfront costs. As you expand into other universities, you need to be able to scale efficiently in order to keep costs down and your low margins viable.

In this module, we’ll describe the Azure technologies that are available to you and teach you how to evaluate each one for your business needs.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this module, you'll be able to evaluate Azure services for integration and process automation scenarios.


  • Familiarity with Azure
  • Basic knowledge of REST and APIs