Checked Build Breakpoints and Messages

This topic contains a list and explanation of some of the common breakpoints and DbgPrint messages that a driver might encounter in the checked build.


Checked builds were available on older versions of Windows, before Windows 10 version 1803. Use tools such as Driver Verifier and GFlags to check driver code in later versions of Windows.

*** DPC routine > 1 sec --- This is not a break in KeUpdateSystemTime
This message appears just before a breakpoint is issued. It indicates that the active driver spent more than one second in a DPC routine.

*** ISR at 0x nnnnnnnn took over .5 second
This message appears just before a breakpoint is issued. It indicates that the interrupt service routine with entry point 0xnnnnnnnn executed for more than 500ms.

IOINIT: Built-in driver xxxxxx failed to initialize − 0xnnnnnnnn
The boot start driver named xxxxxx returned a failure status 0xnnnnnnnn from its DriverEntry entry point.

IOINIT: Built-in driver xxxxxx took y.z s to initialize
The boot start driver named xxxxxx executed for y.z seconds (which is longer than the expected maximum time of 5 seconds) in its DriverEntry entry point.

IOINIT: Built-in driver xxxxxx took y.z s to fail initialization
The boot start driver named xxxxxx executed for y.z seconds (which is longer than the expected maximum time of 5 seconds) in its DriverEntry entry point.

IOLOAD: Driver xxxxxx took y.z s to initialize
The driver named xxxxxx executed for y.z seconds (which is longer than the expected maximum time of 5 seconds) in its DriverEntry entry point.

IOLOAD: Driver xxxxxx took y.z s to fail initialization
The driver named xxxxxx executed for y.z seconds (which is longer than the expected maximum time of 5 seconds) in its DriverEntry entry point.

IopLoadDriver: A PnP driver xxxxxx does not support DriverUnload routine
The driver named xxxxxx supports IRP_MJ_PNP, but did not specify an unload routine in DriverEntry.

DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING flag not cleared on DO 0x nnnnnnnn
The device object at address 0xnnnnnnnn was created outside of DriverEntry, but the DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING bit was not cleared before returning to the system.