Access deprecated Troubleshooting guides in Azure Workbooks

Troubleshooting guides are now deprecated, and the Troubleshooting guides menu item is no longer available. You can still access the troubleshooting guides in the Azure Workbooks menu on the left.

Screenshot of Troubleshooting guides icon in the menu.

Use the 'Change Type' feature to change workbook types and move them from the Troubleshooting Guide gallery to the Workbook gallery.

Change the workbook type using the Change Type toolbar item

  1. Switch the workbook to edit mode by selecting Edit.

  2. Select the Edit icon, and then Change Type.

    Screenshot of icon to change the workbooks type.

  3. A window opens with a dropdown with a workbook type to which you can change. Select Workbook and then OK.

    Screenshot of window to select new workbook type.

  4. A success status popup window appears in the top right corner. It may take up to a minute for the change to be reflected in the gallery.

  5. The workbook that was previously a Troubleshooting guide and resided in the Troubleshooting guides gallery is now in the Workbooks gallery.

    Screenshot showing the troubleshooting guide in the Workbooks gallery.

Change the workbook type using the browse pane

  1. Open up the workbooks browse pane and select the workbook that you want to change by clicking on the workbook name.

    Screenshot of the Workbooks browse pane.

  2. Notice the current workbook type is labeled as "tsg". Select Change type

    Screenshot of changing the workbook type in the browse pane.

  3. A success status popup window appears in the top right corner. It may take up to a minute for the change to be reflected in the gallery.

  1. Navigate to the gallery containing the workbook that you'd like to change the type for.

  2. Select the ... button on the gallery card item, and then select Change Type.

    Screenshot of changing the Workbook type from the gallery.

Next steps

Learn how to create Honeycomb visualizations.