Azure actions


You need an active Azure subscription to deploy Azure actions in your desktop flows.

Power Automate allows you to manage Azure virtual machines through the Azure group of actions. To implement Azure functionality in your desktop flows, create a new Azure session using the Create session action.

This action requires you to enter the Client ID, an authentication key for the specific application, and the respective password. Additionally, enter the Tenant ID that is the Microsoft Entra in which you've created the application.

Lastly, populate the appropriate Subscription ID. The subscription ID is a GUID that uniquely identifies your subscription to Azure services.

Screenshot of the Create session action.

After creating the session and deploying all the needed Azure actions, use the End session action to terminate the Azure session.

Screenshot of the End session action.

Get resource groups

Gets the resource groups based on the specified criteria.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Resource group name Yes Text value The name of the resource group

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ResourceGroups List of Azure resource groups The retrieved resource groups


Exception Description
Failed to get the resource groups with the specified criteria Indicates that getting the resource groups with the specified criteria failed

Create resource group

Creates a new resource group.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Resource group name No Text value The name of the resource group
Location No Text value The location where the new disk will be created

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ResourceGroup Azure resource group The created resource group


Exception Description
Resource group already exists Indicates that the resource group already exists and can't be created
Failed to create resource group Indicates that creating the resource group failed

Delete resource group

Deletes the specified resource group and all the contained resources.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Resource group name No Text value The name of the resource group

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Failed to delete the resource group Indicates that deleting the resource group failed

Get disks

Gets the disks based on the specified criteria.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Retrieve disks N/A All, With the specified resource group, With the specified name in all resource groups, With specific name in the specified resource group All Specify which disks to retrieve
Resource group No Text value The resource group where the disks reside
Disk name No Text value The name of the disk

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
Disks List of Azure managed disks The retrieved disks with all the related information


Exception Description
Disk wasn't found Indicates that the disk with the specified criteria doesn't exist
Resource group wasn't found Indicates that the specified resource group wasn't found
Failed to get the disks with the specified criteria Indicates that getting the disks with the specified criteria failed

Attach disk

Attaches an existing disk to the virtual machine with the specified name and resource group.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Virtual machine name No Text value The VM where the disk will be attached
VM resource group No Text value The resource group of the VM
Disk is managed N/A Boolean value True Specify whether the disk to attach is managed
Disk name No Text value The name of the disk to attach
Disk's resource group No Text value The resource group of the disk
Storage account No Text value The storage account where VHD file is located
Container No Text value The container that holds the VHD file
VHD file No Text value The name of the VHD file

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
VM wasn't found Indicates that the specified VM wasn't found
Disk wasn't found Indicates that the disk with the specified criteria doesn't exist
Both unmanaged and managed disk can't exist together in a VM Indicates that the attachment failed because both unmanaged and managed disk can't exist together in a VM
Failed to attach the disk Indicates that the disk attachment failed

Detach disk

Detaches the disk from the virtual machine with the specified name and resource group.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Virtual machine name No Text value The VM from where the disk will be detached
Virtual machine's resource group No Text value The resource group of the VM
Disk name No Text value The name of the disk to detach
Disk is managed N/A Boolean value True Specify whether the disk to detach is managed

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
VM wasn't found Indicates that the specified VM wasn't found
Failed to detach because the disk isn't attached to the specified VM Indicates that the detachment failed because the disk isn't attached to the specified VM
Failed to detach disk Indicates that detaching the disk failed

Create managed disk

Creates a managed disk with the specified settings.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Disk name No Text value The name of the managed disk to create
Resource group option N/A Use existing, Create new Use existing Specify whether a new resource group will be created or an existing one will be used
Resource group name No Text value The resource group of the disk
Location No Text value The location where the new disk is created
Source type N/A None, Snapshot, Storage blob None Specifies whether to create an empty disk or use the snapshot of another disk or use a blob in a storage account
Snapshot name No Text value The managed snapshot to use as a source
Snapshot's resource group No Text value The resource group of the snapshot
Blob URL No Text value The URL of the blob
Disk size in GB No Numeric value Size of the disk in GB
Storage account type N/A Standard HDD, Premium SSD, Standard SSD, Ultra disk SSD Standard HDD The disk type
Storage account name No Text value The name of the storage account where VHD file is stored
Availability zone Yes Text value The availability zone for the managed disk

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
ManagedDisk Azure managed disk The created managed disk


Exception Description
Resource group already exists Indicates that the resource group already exists and can't be created
Resource group wasn't found Indicates that the specified resource group wasn't found
The resource with the specified name already exists Indicates that the resource with the specified name already exists
Snapshot wasn't found Indicates that the specified snapshot wasn't found
Failed to create disk Indicates that creating the disk failed

Delete disk

Deletes the managed disk with the specified name and resource group.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Disk name No Text value The name of the managed disk to delete
Resource group No Text value The resource group of the disk

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Disk wasn't found Indicates that the disk with the specified criteria doesn't exist
Failed to delete the disk because it's attached to a VM Indicates a problem deleting the disk because it's attached to a VM
Failed to delete disk Indicates that deleting the disk failed

Get snapshots

Gets the snapshots based on the specified criteria.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Retrieve snapshots N/A All, With the specified resource group, With the specified name in all resource groups, With specific name in the specified resource group All Specify which snapshots to retrieve
Resource group No Text value The resource group where the snapshots reside
Snapshot name No Text value The name of the snapshot

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
Snapshots List of Azure snapshots The retrieved snapshots with all the related information


Exception Description
Snapshot wasn't found Indicates that the specified snapshot wasn't found
Resource group wasn't found Indicates that the specified resource group wasn't found
Failed to get the snapshots with the specified criteria Indicates that getting the snapshots with the specified criteria failed

Create snapshot

Creates a snapshot from the specified disk.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Snapshot name No Text value The name of the snapshot to create
Resource group option N/A Use existing, Create new Use existing Specifies whether a new resource group will be created or an existing one will be used
Resource group No Text value The resource group where the snapshot will be created
Location No Text value The location where the new disk will be created
Source disk No Text value The name of the managed disk that will be used as source data
Source disk's resource group No Text value The resource group of the managed disk that will be used as source data

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
Snapshot Azure snapshot The created snapshot


Exception Description
Resource group already exists Indicates that the resource group already exists and can't be created
Resource group wasn't found Indicates that the specified resource group wasn't found
The resource with the specified name already exists Indicates that the resource with the specified name already exists
Disk wasn't found Indicates that the disk with the specified criteria doesn't exist
Failed to create snapshot Indicates that creating the snapshot failed

Delete snapshot

Deletes the snapshot with the specified name and resource group.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Snapshot name No Text value The name of the snapshot to delete
Resource group No Text value The resource group of the snapshot

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
Snapshot wasn't found Indicates that the specified snapshot wasn't found
Failed to delete snapshot Indicates that deleting the snapshot failed

Get virtual machines

Gets the basic information for the virtual machines.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Resource group Yes Text value The resource group of the virtual machine
Status N/A Running, Deallocating, Deallocated, Starting, Stopped, Stopping, Unknown, Any Any The status of the virtual machine

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
VirtualMachinesInfo List of Azure virtual machine info The retrieved virtual machines with basic information


Exception Description
Resource group wasn't found Indicates that the specified resource group wasn't found
Failed to get the VMs with basic information Indicates that getting the VMs with basic information failed

Describe virtual machine

Gets all the information for the virtual machine(s) based on the specified criteria.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Describe virtual machines N/A All, With the specified resource group, With the specified name in all resource groups, With specific name in the specified resource group All Specify which virtual machines to describe
Resource group No Text value The resource group of the virtual machine
Virtual machine name No Text value The name of the virtual machine
Status N/A Running, Deallocating, Deallocated, Starting, Stopped, Stopping, Unknown, Any Any The status of the virtual machine

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
VirtualMachines List of Azure virtual machines The retrieved virtual machines with all the related information


Exception Description
VM wasn't found Indicates that the specified VM wasn't found
Resource group wasn't found Indicates that the specified resource group wasn't found
Failed to get basic information of the VM(s) Indicates that getting basic information of the VM(s) failed

Start virtual machine

Starts the virtual machine.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Virtual machine name No Text value The name of the virtual machine
Resource group No Text value The resource group of the virtual machine

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
VM wasn't found Indicates that the specified VM wasn't found
Failed to start the VM Indicates that an error occurred while trying to start the VM

Stop virtual machine

Stops the virtual machine and delocates the related hardware (CPU and memory) and network resources.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Virtual machine name No Text value The name of the virtual machine
Resource group No Text value The resource group of the virtual machine

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
VM wasn't found Indicates that the specified VM wasn't found
Failed to stop the VM Indicates that an error occurred while trying to stop the VM

Shut down virtual machine

Shuts down the operating system of a virtual machine.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Virtual machine name No Text value The name of the virtual machine
Resource group No Text value The resource group of the virtual machine

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
VM wasn't found Indicates that the specified VM wasn't found
Failed to shut down the VM Indicates an error occurred while trying to shut down the VM

Restart virtual machine

Restarts a virtual machine.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure
Virtual machine name No Text value The name of the virtual machine
Resource group No Text value The resource group of the virtual machine

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


Exception Description
VM wasn't found Indicates that the specified VM wasn't found
Failed to restart the VM Indicates that an error occurred while trying to restart the VM

Create session

Creates an Azure session.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Client ID No Text value The client ID of the application, also known as application ID, which identifies the application that is using the token
Client secret No Direct encrypted input or Text value The secret for the client ID
Tenant ID No Text value The directory ID of the Microsoft Entra
Subscription ID Yes Text value The Azure subscription ID. If not provided, the default subscription will be used

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
AzureClient Azure client The created Azure client


Exception Description
Failed to create Azure client Indicates that creating the Azure client failed

Get subscriptions

Gets subscriptions that the current account can access.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
Subscriptions List of Azure subscriptions The retrieved subscriptions with all the related information


Exception Description
Failed to get the subscriptions with the specified criteria Indicates that getting the subscriptions with the specified criteria failed

End session

Ends an Azure session.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Azure client No Azure client The client used to connect to Azure

Variables produced

This action doesn't produce any variables.


This action doesn't include any exceptions.